
Angel In The Mirror.

"Ok then..." she trailed off, before her eyes glinted suddenly.

"I was in the entertainment department at first, and my team leader was so..."

Walking down the stairs, Cyprian did nothing but blabber away about how she felt like quitting her job whenever Team leader Zuresh mocked her and Shikera; and how she always remembered that she was now 25 years of age and that none of her parents were still there to take care of her.

Max listened patiently, only interrupting her with occasionally hmmms and aaahs to show that he was following.

When they finally got outside Preston TV, Cyprian hailed a cab and bid Max goodbye, leaving him alone at the front of the station. Watching the cab drive away, Maxwell turned on his heels and walked to the station's underground parking lot.

He walked towards a blue BMW 3 series, which was parked at the end of the row, while pressing the button of his car key to cause the door to open.

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