
The truth, schemes and plots revealed

"Come on!!!"

Kenshin completely focused on Ieiri's figure before him, and seeing as how his chest compressions weren't yielding as much results as he'd like it to, he sighed and began mouth to mouth breathing, while the Sea Dragon channeled more and more healing power into her body.


After a few moments, Ieiri's eyes snapped open, as she let out a violent cough while Kenshin patted her back gently in relief.

Seeing the handsome face before hers, after coming to her senses, the young girl suddenly broke out in tears and embraced his figure, feeling safe in his arms for some reason.

Meanwhile, while uncomfortable by the sudden affectionate hug, Kenshin didn't want to ruin the moment, so he shrugged and went along while patting her head with a smile.

*Puny Human!!!!!*

However the next moment, a cold shriek resounded from within the cave, as the red robed woman reappeared once more with a disheveled look and a wrathful expression.

"Go now, Silver will take you back. I'll handle this okay?.."

Gently separating their intertwined figures, Kenshin looked her in the eye and used a hand to wipe the tear from her eye with a reassuring smile.

"No! Don't leave me..let's go together..." Like a scaredy cat, she cried out, and held him close, not wanting to be separated from him. Who could blame her? After what she had just been through it was natural for her to want to be protected.

"I can't. One of us would have to stay behind. I'm not even sure I can escape her successfully not to talk of even killing her, but I'm confident I can restrain her for you to escape.."

Kenshin spoke with a sigh and shook his head, before he patted her head once more and signaled to Silver, who instantly manipulated the wind to gently carry Ieiri's frail figure and place her on its back.

"You think I'm going to allow you to leave?!!!"

Roaring in anger, the woman stretched her palms, summoning dozens upon dozens of near invisible strings behind her.

"Go now!!"

Signaling to the wolf with a hint of worry, Kenshin summoned his cudgel back to him and got in a stance, ready to defend, while the wolf escaped at nigh sonic speed.


Turning around, teary eyed, the last thing Ieiri noticed was Kenshin getting swallowed by the avalanche of strings, as the sound of slashes reverberated and blood spurted out crazily.


Seated within his dojo, Ayumu's eyebrows twitched, as he sighed and shook his head in wonder, disbelief and a bit of fear. The timelines were unstable, different from what they used to be before. The fate of the Jujutsu Empire was hanging in the balance, and the only one who could shoulder the burden was the boy.

Ayumu was fearful at this point. Would he be able shoulder the hopes of dozens even against all opposition, even against his own family and the true evils of this world?

Ayumu shook his head once more and downed the tea in his cup. He wasn't going to be present in the new Era to help and support. At most, he had only a couple of years more to live...

As he thought to himself, a figure walked into his dojo with a wide smile.

"Old man. It's been a while..." Leaving his wooden slippers at the post of the dojo, he walked in gently and sat, seeing the distraught expression on the old man's face.

"What do you want?" Ayumu spoke and flashed a glare at his former student and foster son, Kenzo.

"Heyyy, come on, can't I come visit my old man, or would you prefer I call you father just like in those days?.."

Kenzo spoke with a smirk, poured himself a cup of green tea and took a sip before sighing in satisfaction.

"My son died 25 years ago..." Ayumu spoke and looked at Kenzo with a fierce bloodlust.

"Hehehe. Gently unknitting the threads on his forehead, he gently pulled off his scalp revealing the grotesque squirmy brain as fluids run down his face.

"Who the hell are you?!" Flaring his cursed energy instantly, Ayumu demanded in rage, before he slammed his palm on the table causing it collapse immediately.

"Calm down old man..you see, I knew you might flip out in this situation, but I know just how to keep you in check like a good dog. You see, as we speak, that boy is currently battling an old friend of mine, the Oragumo.

Now, our minds are connected mentally, so I can order his execution with but a simple thought.."

Kenzo spoke and gently fixed back the scalp and knit it shut again with black thread, while smiling, seeing the troubled expression on the old man's face.

"Hehehe..." Seeing the old man reluctantly calm himself, Kenzo laughed creepily and downed another cup of tea.

"Mmm. Let's start with introductions, shall we?" Smiling towards Ayumu, Kenzo gestured and made himself even more comfortable.

"My real name is Kenjaku...And yes, I'm human, or at least I was..."'He drank another cup of tea and continued.

"I've lived for about 400 years now, even longer than the four eyed fool living underneath Jujutsu High like a mole. My cursed technique allows me to possess bodies right after their death. After possessing a body, not only can I access its memories, I can also access it's cursed technique..."

Kenjaku paused, allowing the information to sink in slowly into Ayumu's mind.

"What does someone as ancient as yourself want with that boy, and why did you orchestrate his father's exile?.."

Ayumu asked, calming himself to as to not erupt with emotions.

"Can't you connect the dots old man? It's because I hate that clan with all my heart and soul hehehe...

Back in our time, there lived a Rinnegan user, a Six eyes and Limitless user and a Ten shadows Technique user. Together with them we were the strongest. We built the very foundations of modern Jujutsu together and were best friends and loved each other until one fateful day..."

Kenjaku sighed in reminisce, and rubbed his hair in frustration.

"I wanted to expand my power, I began creating and experimenting with the bodies of curses and humans alike. I wanted to create the perfect living species, all to protect Jujutsu. I did all that because I knew we weren't going to live forever. Someone needed to hold the empire on its shoulders when we were gone. After convincing the Ten Shadows Technique user, my wife...sigh, to join us,

we were finally on the edge of an unprecedented breakthrough until that bastard found out.

I tried convincing him that it was for the best, however, he called me a devil, and that I wasn't fit to even be called a human. On that day, we battled. Along with my wife, we faced him and the six eyes user, however my wife and the six eyes user both fell in battle, and that bastard used the power of his Rinnegan to seal me in an asteroid...."

Kenjaku's face was emotionless and stoic, however Ayumu could detect the pangs of pain in his heart when he recalled his past.

"However a few centuries later, the asteroid crash landed....and rather than dying, I managed to perfect my technique and evolved using the same experiments I did back then....I spent all those years in thick black darkness, fueled by nothing but my resentment, plotting and scheming, dreaming and ways of which I would torture him.

On my arrival to earth, I went in search for him immediately, but he had passed on, leaving behind a divided and declining clan.

I infiltrated the clan, using my technique and with the help of a few friends, we completely exterminated the Hayato clan!!! Hahahaha!!! Finally I got revenge for all those years I was spent trapped in that asteroid!!! I killed every child, every woman!! Every man in the most brutal way possible to appease my anger!!"

Letting out a satisfied laugh, Kenjaku spoke like a deranged maniac while Ayumu clenched his tightened fists.

However, by some small crooked chance, there happened to be a survivor, who would many years later continue the damn lineage."

Kenjaku spoke with a twisted laugh, as he looked at Ayumu.

"What is it you seek? Kenjaku....Why must you turn your back on the hand that raised you..."

Ayumu asked with a small sigh.

"The hand that raised me? Jujutsu betrayed me!!!!"

Kenjaku smashed his palm on Ayumu's table causing it shatter instantly.

"You don't know how it feels to be ostracized by the people you loved!!! Now I'm going to destroy all of Jujutsu for betraying me!! I'm going to raze it all to the ground! And then build my own empire where I would be worshipped as a God!!"

Kenjaku laughed maniacally. "As long as I exist, there can't be a Hayato clan heir living in this world alongside me!! As for your student and his sister...hehehehe.

I killed that girl right after she gave birth to that brat with the six eyes with my own hands!! As for your beloved student, I staged it all. I had long infiltrated the Jujutsu higher ups and then used my power to get them the mission where it all went wrong!

As for your son, Kenzo, I coveted his technique so I killed him and took over his body..."

Pausing to look at the hateful look from Ayumu, Kenjaku enjoyed the feeling of victory, knowing Ayumu would never try to attack for Kenshin's sake.

"After his exile, I infiltrated the US government, made deals with the drug Lords and targeted him and his family. You should've seen the way he died...Hahaha! He was quite the opponent, surely you taught him well, however after I mind controlled his wife and daughter to mutilate and kill each other, he begged me to end him....and I did...."


The moment he finished his statement, Ayumu couldn't contain his rage anymore. His palm instantly moved, grabbing Kenjaku by the neck at sonic speed before he smashed him against the wall.

"Careful....now...we wouldn't want the ...last Rinnegan user to meet his permanent...demise...at the hands of a mythical cursed spirit....now would we?"

Letting out a crazy smile, Kenjaku spoke while getting the air squeezed out of his lungs by Ayumu's choke hold.

"As for that Gojo clan, I made sure to exterminate every single heir of that clan to avenge my wife.."

Letting go of Kenjaku's body, he spoke, as Ayumu took steps back and reclined in his seat.

"I know you can see the future old man, so you know what's going to happen...Before killing that brat, I'm going to take away every single person in his life. I'm going to strip him off his dreams and hopes, just like his ancestor did to mine, and after everything I'll mount his head on my wall to signify the start of the new Era..."

Leaving behind these words, Kenjaku straightened his clothes and walked out leaving Ayumu behind with a disturbed and solemn expression.


A/N: Sorry for the late update.

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