
The Only Color - Four - I

From the moment Ravenna cast a curious and fervent gaze upon this world, she forfeited all other possibilities.

She lost every choice in life.

And it was only after she pursued her passion for over a decade without a hint of fatigue or weariness, savoring it as if it were the sweetest of treats, that she saw the heaviest of truths upon that fluttering scroll.

Her life had been sculpted. Just as Ansel had said... The fifteen years of Ravenna Ziegler's life were Eileen's highest masterpiece.

An idealist that even Hendrik and his fellows feared.

The puppet gazed vacantly at the elders before her, able to name each one, their areas of expertise, their research directions. She had sought their counsel countless times over fifteen years, drawing from each a conviction and strength as steadfast as steel.

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