
Chapter 3 - Goodbye

I would never forget the night Fig died and our conversation about the repository Isidora Morganach had created.

"Think of all the pain that created it. This is what Miriam, George, your friend Lodgok, and countless others died for. Miriam believed such magic could be used for good, but she did not know the risks. You are now the Keeper of whatever power it holds. What do you intend to do with it?"

This felt like the hardest decision I ever needed to make. So many things were going through my mind. I had seen the possibilities of what my ancient magic could do, potentially even heal people. With all that had happened with Sebastian, I so was so desperate to help him find a cure for Anne, his twin sister who had been cursed. What if I could possibly heal her? Isidora was able to heal pain yes, but in doing so removed all emotion. The power that was within that repository was entirely constructed of pain. Pain from Isidora's father and the students at Hogwarts she was trying to help. As tempted as I was, no good could come from me opening it, and deep down I knew that.

"I plan to leave the repository as is," was my response to Fig.

"I'm pleased to hear that." Fig said. "I have been wondering if we should've shared our discovery sooner with Professor Weasley and the others. Trusted them more. The Keepers wanted this secret to be locked away forever, how long will you keep it?"

One thing I had learnt during this past year was that I wouldn't be here without the people in my life that helped me along the way.

"I plan to keep it secret for now, but in time, when I am ready, I plan to tell those that I trust everything and accept their help."

Fig smiled at me, "I believe that is what Miriam would've wanted. I will do all that I can to help you."

Fig's approval meant a lot to me, he was with me since the start. I wish I could've met his wife Miriam before she died.

Defeating Ranrok in the Keeper's caverns beneath Hogwarts was no easy feat. Ranrok had consumed the power source from the repository, and he transformed into a dragon. I was able to defeat him, but had I not been able to wield the ancient magic I would've been killed. The explosion of power that erupted from Ranrok after my final cast weakened the cavern walls and the whole structure nearly collapsed. Had it not been for Fig, I wouldn't have been able to restore the cavern before it crushed us. The red and black swirls of the escaped magic swarmed around us, I had to contain it. It took every ounce of my energy and power to bring the swirls into one and force the magic back into the repository once more. Fig died in my arms, his last words would forever remain in engraved in my memory.

"Miriam would have loved you, my young friend." I held his hand tightly as tears formed in my eyes. "The wizarding world could not be in more capable hands."

Ranrok would not be the last threat that would try to obtain and control this ancient power source beneath Hogwarts. It was now my purpose to protect this secret at all costs. I heeded Fig's advice and trusted Professors Weasley, Sharp, Hecat, Ronan and Onai with the secret of my ancient magic and the repository. They all came to our aid when the goblins invaded the caverns beneath Hogwarts, without them we would've been overrun. After the events, they all helped place secure enchantments in the caverns below Hogwarts to ensure that no one would be able to access it again as Ranrok had done. Only I was able to access the chamber with my ancient magic. Professor Weasley dealt with Headmaster Black and the Ministry of Magic to explain the goblin invasion and Professor Fig's death. The secret was safe once again and both I and the professors agreed that we should leave the chamber sealed. We bode farewell to Professor Fig with the rest of the school in the Great Hall.

Professor Weasley honoured his memory with a few words, "Professor Fig represented the best of all of us."

How right she was.


The last day of term had arrived, and I was in the library planning to take some books home with me for the summer. I felt like I had neglected my studies this past year, understandably of course. I managed to scrape through my O.W.L.s. I was convinced that the professors were lenient with me during the final examinations. I wanted to use the holidays to recap a bit and maybe even try some more advanced spell work if possible. I also wanted to do find out if any these books could tell me more about ancient magic. I was scanning one of the stacks of books near the top right-hand side of the library. This section was my personal study area when I wasn't in the Room of Requirement. Most of the other students didn't really come up here, so it was always the quieter spot. I loved reading, exploring the areas around Hogwarts and caring to my beasts in my Vivarium. I had made a small number of friends during my adventures. Natty Onai and Poppy Sweeting, both helped me in my quests to defeat Rookwood and the poachers. They knew of my ability to wield an ancient magic, but they didn't know about the repository. Even though they were Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and I was a Slytherin, we were the unlikeliest of friends. I owe them for all that they did for me this past year. Of course, there was also Ominis and Sebastian. We were known as the 'Slytherin trio' after all the time we spent together. Our escapades got us into quite a bit of trouble. From fighting Inferi, to learning the Unforgivable curses, but all in the name of saving Anne Sallow and finding a cure for her. After the incident in the Feldcroft catacomb, Ominis and I had decided not to turn Sebastian in for killing his uncle. I still remember Sebastian's words to me at the time "No matter what happens from here, I'm glad we met."

He crossed a line, yes, although it was in self-defence it was still his uncle and Anne hasn't forgiven him. We haven't heard from her since. Sebastian hasn't been the same since Anne's disappearance. Although he said he was grateful to have Ominis and I as friends, I could see that he was struggling to come to terms with the guilt and losing his twin.

When I had learnt that it was in fact Victor Rookwood, and not goblins that had cursed Anne, I immediately told Sebastian. If I had not killed Rookwood, we might've been able to somehow understand the curse he placed on Anne, and potentially even reverse it. I decided to tell Sebastian about the repository of power below the school and all that had happened. He was with me the entire journey when we learnt about Isidora Morganach, I owed it to him to tell him the truth. At first, I was worried that he would be tempted to try and use the power as a last resort to heal Anne, but surprisingly he said it wasn't worth the risk. Perhaps Sebastian Sallow had finally learnt his lesson after all this time.

My mind was wandering off, that I didn't even notice a figure had crept up behind me as I skimmed through some pages of 'Ancient Runes'.


I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned around and was staring into that freckled face of Sebastian Sallow.

"Sebastian! Don't do that, you scared me! Announce yourself please." He stood there sheepishly tugging at his uniform. The sleeves on his white shirt were rolled up and his top collar button was undone with his green Slytherin tie hanging loosely around his neck. Somehow Sebastian made scruffy look good.

"Sorry," he said as he looked down at his feet, the look of sadness was still ever present in his hazel eyes. His flirtatious and fun personality had faded these last few weeks. Normally Sebastian would've taken this moment to poke fun at me for jumping up in fright. The boy I came to know was now a shadow of his former self.

"It's ok. I'm glad to see you. You've been a bit allusive these last few days. I'm worried about you Sebastian."

He looked up at with those long lashes and opened his mouth to say something but quickly changed his mind. I decided to push the matter "Sebastian I'm here for you. Both Ominis and I are. What you're going through, we will get through it together." I reassured him.

His eyes looked like they started to glaze a bit with tears, but he quickly shook it off.

"Riley, I've come to say goodbye."

He said this turning his head to the left as if there was something there that he had to look at.

"Goodbye? The Hogwarts express doesn't leave for a few more hours, why are you saying goodbye now?"

He looked directly into my eyes and didn't say anything further. The look on his face seemed more pained than usual. I had an uneasy feeling about where this conversation was going.


I took a step closer to him, placing my book on the table next to us.

"Riley, you knew this was coming. I'm leaving Hogwarts and I'm not coming back next year."

"What? Why?"

I tried to hide the despair in voice, but I failed. Sebastian looked away from me at this point and continued.

"I need some time. I need to deal with all that has happened. I also need to find Anne and truthfully, I have not given up on finding a cure for her."

"Sebastian, have you not learnt your lesson? Look what happened the last time you decided to take matters into your own hands to try to help Anne. I know the knowledge of your sister's curse died with Rookwood, but together we will be able to figure something out. We've not yet explored the possibilities of the ancient magic that I wield."

The mistakes of Isidora haunted me as I said it, but I was desperate to give Sebastian hope, desperate to make him stay.

"After everything you told me about the repository, how Isidora ended up removing all emotion as a result of trying to heal people's pain, it's not worth the risk Riley. I will not ask that of you."

"If you just give me some time Sebastian, I'll learn how to heal the physical pain within Anne. Isidora's focus was all based on emotional pain, maybe it will be different with Anne's situation."

My voice was filled with desperation. I was grasping at straws.

"That's enough Riley."

He looked at me with such a serious look that I knew there was no changing his mind. Sebastian was the most stubborn person I had ever known. Once he had set his mind on something there was no stopping him. My heart was aching at this point and all logic and reason escaped my head.

"How can you do this to us? To-" I was going to say me but decided against it. "After everything we've been through and after we defended your actions. Now you're just going to leave. Anne doesn't want to be found Sebastian. You leaving Hogwarts is not going to accomplish anything."

I could hear my voice breaking as I said the words. I didn't want to say such hurtful things to him, but how could he do this? I had given so much to this boy. Every time I received an owl from him my heart would skip, and I would race to whatever crazy task he wanted us to complete. I felt connected to him when I told him of my ability to wield ancient magic. He seemed so enthralled with my power and was always supporting me to push myself further. Looking back, I could see that he had used me, thinking that my power could cure Anne. Despite all this, I still stood by him. Did that make me stupid? Gullible? Probably, but the whole time I spent with Sebastian, I've never felt more alive. He made me understand things about myself that I never thought were within me.

"Riley, I didn't even want to tell you I was leaving, but Ominis insisted, said it was the right thing to do."

He rolled his eyes at that last part. My hurt was now turning to anger as he continued. So Ominis knew? And Sebastian wasn't even planning on telling me?

"I see."

My voice was now colder. Sebastian's eyes grew big noting my change. He moved towards me and grabbed my shoulders. My anger subsided a little as I felt the warmth of his fingers. There was no doubt that I had feelings for Sebastian Sallow. Why else would I continue down that dark path with him? I was so desperate for his approval, and it made me feel special that he was sharing things with me that he hadn't even shared with Ominis, his oldest friend. This closeness with him made my anger turn to nervousness.

"Riley this is something that I need to do, alone. I have caused enough pain. I have hurt you enough as it is. I couldn't bear the thought of you pitying me. I need to accept what I've done and make it right, it can't have all been for nothing. I won't achieve that staying at Hogwarts. I don't deserve you or Ominis." He paused, looking intently in my eyes.

"Sebastian, please I can't do this without you."

He knew I was referring to the power in the repository that I needed to protect. Besides the professors who were there that night, he was the only other person that knew what lay beneath the school. I hadn't even told Ominis. I wanted to tell Sebastian. I trusted him. I felt so comfortable with him, that I could tell him anything and I knew he wouldn't judge me. Sebastian was very accepting in that way. Bringing me back to the present Sebastien squeezed my shoulders as he spoke.

"Riley, you are the most powerful witch I know. Even before this ancient magic business, I knew you were special from the start. Even more so when you bested me in that duel in Defence against the Dark Arts." He smirked slightly at the memory, and I saw a shimmer of the old Sebastian for a moment. "You are more capable than you realise." His words tugged at my heart. How could someone be so cheeky, who jests all the time, be so sweet with his words. The space between us closed as he spoke. I was now very aware of Sebastian's scent. He smelled of sandalwood and I started to breathe a little heavier with the weight of his hands on my shoulders. Sebastian's energy also shifted, and his eyes were now darting between my eyes and my lips.

"Sebastian, I didn't know you were so good at complimenting a lady." He smiled at my jest. Of late I had started to give him a taste of his own medicine, which only made him try push my buttons even more so.

"You'd be surprised my lady, there's quite a few things I'm good at that you don't even know about yet."

My heart rate picked up at the flirtatious comment. Yet? Did I hear correctly? That smart and quick mouth of his, which I found myself also now staring at. Wondering if he was thinking as I was. We were both now silent. You could only hear our breathing, and perhaps my heart pounding into my chest.

I was never nervous around Sebastian, but at this moment I was glad his hands were on my shoulders and not holding my sweaty palms. He looked down at me with a strange look. Sebastian was slightly taller than me, so I was returning his gaze with my head tilted up. It felt like the moment lasted forever, the anticipation was building. I was the first to move, bringing my hands to his tie and wrapping it around my fingers, pulling him towards me. Sebastian looked taken aback by forwardness as he hitched a breath. I was now blatantly staring at his mouth. I could not have made myself more obvious. I could feel his breath on my lips as I pulled him closer to me. If he couldn't hear my heart beating earlier, he would surely hear it now. His lips were an inch my from own and I started to close my eyes. I felt him sigh and pull me into his chest hard. He pulled me in so quick that my eyes shot open in fright. We were now hugging. His arms were wrapped around my shoulders now and I slowly and awkwardly put my arms around his waist, my hands finding their way to his back. Fuck. Did I just completely embarrass myself and misread this whole situation? I didn't say a word. I didn't know what to say.

Thankfully Sebastian broke the silence.

"Riley, I-I can't do this".

His words cut me.

I felt like I had stopped breathing, yet my heart continued to beat restlessly. I could also feel Sebastian's chest against mine, and there was no doubt I was feeling another heartbeat as erratic as my own. I closed my eyes, taking in the realisation that Sebastian Swallow perhaps did not have same feelings for me like I did for him. I snuggled my head further into his chest, trying to bury myself from the humiliation. I felt him take a deep breath and mumble something, I struggled to hear what he was saying as the tears were now falling from my face onto his shirt and I was trying to hold back the sobs. He gave me one last squeeze.

"Goodbye Riley."

He abruptly dropped his arms and turned away, his eyes closed tight. He walked so quickly that I barely had time to lift my head and see that brown mop of hair disappear around one of the bookshelves. Just like that Sebastian walked out of the library, out of Hogwarts and out of my life. Leaving me standing there with tears streaming down my face and my heart feeling emptier than it was before. I dropped to my knees and sat there in silence for what felt like hours, refusing to believe the reality of the situation. I thought it quite ironic as I sat there in the library, that this was the first place where I felt my heart ache for Sebastian when he protected me from Peeves and the Librarian in fifth year. Now it was the place where he had broken my heart.

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