
Lev Lainur Flauros

I threw Leif to the ground making him crash to the ground and leaving a human shape Mark on the place he fell.

the ground start to shake and from the human shape crack a huge amount of wriggling tentacle appeared.

the tentacle extand and reach towards me trying to capture me, I dodge the attack by using Shudo.

then I fired a barrage of Gandr towards the tentacle destroying most of it, exposing a human like figure from those bundle of tentacle.

"say Leif is that all you can do?, then it mudt be the person you follow mus be weak since his subordinate is a weakling."

"hahaha, how arrogant of you, I will make you feel despair."

he then turn into a giant tentacle with a bunch of eyes on it's body.

seeing this I create two dagger while enhancing my body capabilites to the limit while also activating my eyes to see the minute movement of the tentacle and core.

Lev main body then create a huge amount of tentacle that aim towards me, I dodge and weave around to evade some of the tentacle, while those that can't be avoided was cut of using my dagger.

"where's your arrogance now Bug?"

"don't worry I will finish you now."

I then manipulate the atom near his body and breaking it while also creating a powerful barrier around his body to limit the area where the explosion effected, the main body of lev experience the heavy damage of explosion, the explosion cause the barrier to momentaraly expand before shrinking again.

the tentacle around that is attacking started to fall because of the loss of control from Lev, slowly the place of explosion calm down both you can see there's a flash of lighting spark because of the aftereffect of the explosion where dust was rubbing against each other.

in the center I saw the main body of Lev was charred.

suddenly from the ground behind me a tentacle shoot up and was about to pierce my heart but I caught it and turn my back and pulled it up.

when pulled the ground crack and Lev main body appear, seeing this I crushed the tentacle and rushed to his maind body, when I arrive in front of him I grab his hair using my right hand and gripping it to hold him down, seeing the chance I clenched my fist and hit his chin sending him flying upwards towards the sky, I jumped up and appear on top of his floating body doing a windmill kick hitting his ribcage, he coughed up a weird color fluid from his mouth.

  the kick send him chrashing to the ground I used shundo to appear on the ground and picking him up from the rubble, Grabbing him by the neck.

"yo tentacle bastard it seems you still have your consciousness, how is it?, cany you still fight."


before finishing his words I pulled his left arm and ripped it apart from his body, then throw him on the ground and then stepping on his chest grinding my feet on it, he grab my leg and tried to crush it, seeing this I bend down and grab his remaining arm and pulled it apart.

"now let's talk, who sent you to sneak into Chaldea?"

"hahaha, why should I tell you damn bastard."

"that exalted one will deal with you."

"go on I am listening."

"struggle all you want Bug."

"the in one year time Chaldea will be wipeout by him, the only surviving people are those in Chaldea but that is only temporarly."

"is that all you want to say."

"do you think I will be scared of being killed?"

"owh you thought I can't kill you."

"it seems your Exalted person didn't tell you that I can kill you."

I didn't wait for his response I switch my eyes function from seeing atom into seeing the soul body of creature, this was gain when I started to master the 3rd true magic, I then inserted my hand into his body, my hand pass through his body and when it was inside I grab something from his body and pulled it out.

what came out was a murky and clouded ball, it look like a dirty mud, I then showed it to him, when he saw what was in my hand he showed a horiffied expression and started to struggle to break free from me.

"this is your soul what do you think will happen after I crushed it between my hand."

"you how is it possible?"

"so a demon huh, it seems the only person I know that has power to control demon hsould be Solomon right?"

"what is the plan of Grand Caster?, why do you want to distort Human History?"

Lev became quite not intending to answer my question.

"you won't talk, that's fine."

I use 3rd true magic and started to manipulate his soul and slowly mold and deform his soul, causing Lev to scream in pain and agony, before finally stopping.

"so do you want to talk?"

he tried to spit on my face, but I tilt my head to the side evading his saliva from touching my face.

since I sense he doesn't intend to speak I burn his soul slowly refining it scream and shout started to come out of Lev once again before suddenly it stop showing he is now dead.

with the scream and shout stopping the dirty ball turned into a ball the same size of a marbel with pure white color.

after he died I decide to store his body in a space storage that I created for storing item and personal beloging.

after all a demon body is quite valuable and probably can be turn into material if I handed it to DaVinci.

I then decided to re-group with Marie and the other, while I was traveling back there I saw a huge beam of light that shot towards the sky coming from the direction where Saber station herself.

seeing this I conclude that those guys probably met up with Marie and decide to hurry up and fix the Singularity while I deal with Lev.

I change the deriction where I headed and head towards their location. 


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender  Judy_Morgan_5854  Dtrackt  DAO_of_UmU  DanKress  jaden_cadawas  The_Trailer_Master  MaXsuL08  NordicRazor  Dragler  TAYROS_LINK  See_rer  Rose_BloodKill  jkrsa  Crystalsinger81  AltrEgo  jaden_cadawas  Parsakzz  King_8997 PureWhite248  AetherBlacklight  UchihaMadara  Akito_  Crystalsinger81  Atalyn_Navia  ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista  Aamzazap  Ethan_Farias  Daze_Imaginator  Aozu  Rainhawk  ChromeFate

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