
Sword Will

At his abrupt and crazed laughter, Allura felt the urge to step back but persisted through, in fear.


Eadwulf, the man whom she felt fearful of from the first time ever, refused to interrupt his jovial laughter, while thoughts on how advantageous the newer change's information would be for the current him.

Maybe, if it was before he decided to create an independent force,

He might have handed the information to forces that benefited from the deeper understanding of the gates, to help progress and maintain or heighten the chances of the people's wellbeing, with the mentioned 'force' most likely being the Empire,


Now, the same information could be used for its downfall.

With the information and knowledge deeper than what has been researched and recorded in the [Court Of Magic], Eadwulf would gain an upper hand in negotiating terms.

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