

Ranked 3rd, [Hall Of Fame] was guild known for its information gathering ability, with most of the guild authorities' information hidden to any and everybody, with their identities known to nobody except for the authorities themselves, but what they could gather from the rumours was the fact that the guild master was a [Semi-Deus] ranked hunter.

Ranked 2nd, [Bloodbane] a guild that was known for its righteousness, contrast to its name. According to the rumours, the guild was similar to that of "Scourge" that kept the other guilds in check, so that 'too' much harm isn't been done to anybody. How much is too much? Was a question, whose answer even the guild members didn't know, but they said to ignore harm that didn't prick their conscience. The guild master was a [Semi-Deus] ranked hunter, and the vice-guild master was a [A] high ranked hunter.

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