
Time For The Main Event

Sha Mo and Lince stuttered forward the moment they saw Raze's hands lift into the air. They had seen him do this move before; everyone had, so they knew what was coming next.

"Lince, if that kid kills my clan members, I won't be able to hold back!" Sha Mo said, tensing his fist as if he was ready to jump out and attack Raze himself at that moment.

"He won't do that… I'm sure," Lince said, but his face wasn't so sure. Sweat was running down his forehead. All he could think about was how Raze had saved Beret, but what if that was for his own goals, rather than because of his niceness? Just maybe he really would kill the Demonic Faction members.

When they all came close, Raze swung his sword down, but he did so at an angle.

"Eclipse Strike!"

The large attack swung in a line, and because it came at an angle, the others were able to see it and jump back. The attack was fast, though, and had crashed into the ground.

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