
No Backbone Giving Up

Seeing the building in question belonging to Idore, it gave Raze a shiver through his whole body. Images of a golden "I" on a cape flashed through his head.

He shook his head violently, trying to forget those images of his younger self.

'Idore now runs one of the biggest guilds in the world,' Raze thought to himself. 'His influence in crafting has helped him gain a large influence in other countries, and he is being seen as a peacemaker for giving everyone the same amount of access to his enchantments.'

'The guild will own a few buildings here and there, but are they getting their supplies from the Noble Guild then? Is he and Ibarin behind this together then?'

Raze thought about what he could do, seeing the situation, but the wall felt extremely high to climb. It would be hard for him to sneak in, and if Idore was involved, how would he even bring this case to light?

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