
A New Dark Edge Sword Art

The mighty beast swirled about in the air, picking up more speed. It was moving in circles, faster and faster, and when it had finally picked up just enough speed, it decided to fly down, speeding right towards Raze.

Despite all of this, Raze was calm. The power coming from the beast had to be immense, but in his eyes, it was at a stage 4 at best. Most of the beasts in the area had to be at stage 3.

He had defeated a stage 4 beast a while ago, and that was when his magic powers, including that of his Qi, were weaker. He had advanced far, now at the peak of that of 4 star.

Not only that, but after killing the mages that had invaded, the effect of his special ring had taken place, giving him more dark energy than before, and he was now using the Dark Edge Sword Arts, which worked extremely well with his Dark Magic.

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