
A New Goal

After dispatching her attacker, Safa had spent some time in a tower of sorts. The dimension she was in was strange. The footpaths were large stone-like bridges that seemed to be in the air.

She assumed this based on the high clouds she could see covering several of the areas. It was also why during her fight, she was deadly scared of falling off the wall edge. The bridges connected to each other, and every once in a while, as one would walk, there would be more pathways one could choose from to head to an unknown location.

There was no way to tell where they would lead to, at least not for her. However, after being attacked, she had decided to stay cautious. Every once in a while on the same bridges, there would be a tower of sorts attached to the side.

They were fairly large, and the design of them reminded her of what she had seen in the Demonic Faction. The roofs were slanted, and there were several sections that would go up higher and higher.

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