
A Little Bit More


"Please tell me the kids are at the mansion," I bit a section of my bottom lip as we drove into the garage of my townhouse. 

"They are," Demyan laughed. He looked like he had just survived a tornado and I was sure I was no better. I did not even have a shirt to wear since Demyan tore it to shreds. He was a pure animal. I had no idea what had gotten into him but even I struggled to keep up at a moment. "I wanted you all to myself."

His hair was down but the curls were a wild frizzy mess from my fingers running through it. The straps of his dress were barely holding onto his shoulders and well the fact I tore off his trunks left very little to one's imagination under that silk dress. 

Just catching my own reflection I looked like I had come out of an apocalypse movie with wild hair, my beard by some miracle looking just as frazzled, my cargo shorts riding low on my hips that I was glad no little innocent eyes would lay sight on me. 

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