
The Queen Is Here


Malia had not spoken a word to me since she left the bathroom crying earlier. I thought at first maybe it was just the hormones talking but after I took a good shower, drank a jug of water to wash down the final drunk away and dressed , did I start to feel really terrible. 

I had been quite the jerk to her even though in my mind I thought I was being the loving boyfriend I thought she wanted. In reality I was being an obnoxious drunk who would not stop kissing his girlfriend even when it made her highly uncomfortable. 

Ethan and I never had a problem with PDA, it never startled me when he forced me to sit down on his lap at a cafe where everyone could see us or we kissed a little bit too affectionately on the sidewalk. He was just comfortable with who he was and because of that he made me feel comfortable. 

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