
Big Fat Idiot


EJ's pep talk was still fresh in my mind as I entered my suite. I knocked on the bedroom door and after no answer opened the door anyway. I found Malia sleeping on the bed as classic music played through a small speaker that she rested over her stomach as she breathed out heavily. 

When she heard me enter she opened one eye with a scowl, "I didn't say enter."

"Well tough luck I paid for it," I shrugged then headed to the bathroom to take a shower and to get the smell of cigarette off me before she noticed. When I was done I dressed in a pair of boxers and dried my hair so it would not soak the entire bed. 

Malia's back was facing me as I approached the bed, rounded it then laid down next to her. Her tiny foot kicked my shin, "I said you're going to sleep on the couch."

"I'm 6ft3 I can't fit," I sighed, "And you'll probably kill me if I get another room for myself."

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