
Chapter 6 Ideas realisation

The next day I decided to take only Ventus Centipoid, Vesta, out of the bakugans.

Initially, I thought that leaving a talking and self-acting bakugan at home would not be the best idea.

Well, one way or another, that's what I went to school with.

"Shi-i-inji!" came running to me from Dan.

Oh shit....

"Hey, Shinji!"

"Hey, Kuzo..." I stretched out tiredly.

"Why so cheerless? Have you decided which element you want to take yet?" he asked.

"Well... it's hard to say yet... I told you, a week."

The man scratched the back of his head awkwardly, apparently remembering that Shinji had actually said something like that.

Leaving that topic aside, we started walking to school together, discussing subjects. Soon another girl from our class joined us, but we only exchanged greetings, and she began to keep to herself.

Well, a companion in the form of Dan Couso was indeed somewhat "embarrassing" to say the least.

Soon we reached the school and as we separated, a voice suddenly sounded in my head...

"You haven't choosen an element yet?"

"Well, yesterday was my first fight and win," I said as quietly as possible.

"Well, you know the choice is obvious," the Bakugan said.

"Yup, already running to choose..."

The day was carefree and peaceful as usual. Actually, I was supposed to be pestered with requests for me to trade the Darkus Sting, but Dan Kuso, the obnoxious guy, had already told everyone that the Sting would be traded to him, and said everyone watch and be jealous.

That, of course, got the crowd riled up, but for the good of the crowd, he got all the attention.

In a way, I'm grateful to him. To say that I won't sell Sting and become a Darkus master, I don't think it's worth it, he'll get into a fight, and I don't have a third Darkus Bakugan....

But again and again, what element do I need? What exactly do I need to collect cards for, and what kind of Bakugan do I need?

The rankings didn't interest me much, of course. After all, who needs this poseur of numbers? In the best case, it will only amuse the ego of certain individuals.

The main thing is the pleasure of the process.

Back home, I started plan A, which I had recently sketched out - to thoroughly learn a couple of books on electronics.

Why? Well, if I master quadcopters for the same observation of the conditional speeding cars on the roads, I will get a lot of money and I do not need to fear poverty.

That said, I turned on the stopwatch on the cell phone I left on the table. Purely for experimentation.

"Open the battlefield!"

Everything stopped.

"Why did you open the battlefield?" - Vesta asked me.

"I want to read a couple books."

"Uh-huh... I see."

"By the way, how come I can always hear your voice clearly no matter the distance?"

The Bakugan looked at me in surprise.

"Do you really think we speak our 'tongues'?"

"Some sort of mental transmission?"

"I guess I don't know what that is."

"When you communicate with your mind."

"Then yes, something like that. I'm not really sure. Skyress is the one who knows."


"She's the oldest of us."

"Hmm..." to myself I thought to myself that she was some kind of special, not common Bakugan, but I was too lazy to ask about it.

After all, Vesta doesn't know much, and he'll be with me for a long time, so I'll ask someday if it comes in handy.

I sat at the books for about two days. One book was an ordinary Japanese book, the program offered by the institute. The second one was American, such a tome of 1000 pages... well, but inside there was really everything, every element, cascades, subtleties.

I have roughly sketched out in my mind the structure of how it should work.

There should be a direct power source in the center, there to receive control signals, as well as variable resistors that will regulate the current supplied to the motors, reducing or increasing it to regulate the altitude and direction of flight, all this should be programmable, but with the level of the current clock ... well, it will be primitive and simple.

Next is the main part. In a certain square, at its corners, we need to place 4 DC motors, on which to fix the propellers from above. Two should rotate clockwise, and the other two - in the opposite direction. It is on this principle that the directions in which the device will fly are regulated.

From the little things, there can still be attached a variety of sensors to display their values on the screen afterwards, but this is already such a self.

Ah yes, a socket for charging the battery and a couple of fuses in case of water ingress... although... if there is water, it will not save.

Anyway, that's where I finished reading and closed the battlefield.

The first thing I did was not to go to bed, but to look at the stopwatch. What I saw surprised me.

More than 30 minutes had passed.

This meant that time had not stopped forever. However...

Here I thought of another possibility and set my phone to record video, then activated the battlefield.

I moved away from the original location about 2 meters, stopping clearly in front of where a wall should be in the real world. I then closed the battlefield.

Walking over to my phone and stopping the recording, I reviewed the result.

The outcome... well, it was both expected and paradoxical.

Expected, because if time stood still, why would something in space suddenly remain static, right?

But... paradox.

If I took and disappeared in reality, and then my body appeared in a completely different place in an unnatural way, would it be mine? So, in effect, it is, after all, the absolute destruction of one thing and the creation from nothing of another.

Of course, this sort of thing was often glimpsed in the images that appeared before me, so I was more aware of it here than anyone else.

It's the paradox of Ship of Theseus, only the situation is different. There, there was an argument about whether a ship in which every part had been replaced by a new one was still the same ship, or whether it was already new.

Same here, but with a body....

I would try to ponder on this topic, but I remember that in the images where I saw it, nothing good like this ended up - a dead end, a trap of the mind.

Anyway, I stopped there and decided to go to bed.

Tomorrow was Saturday anyway, so I could get a good night's sleep.

The next five days were surprisingly quiet.

During this time I registered on the forum of the Bakugan site, from where the rating was calculated.

There I found a couple of pen pals.

Wu Yu, "Igorek" (I still think it's some kind of joke and it's not the real name of the person who registered), Chen Li, Arcturus and Alice.

All of them had only just discovered the world of Bakugan and hadn't participated in battles.

The one that stood out from them was Alice, she didn't like the idea of bakugans having to fight at all. However, she did enjoy discussing strategies... that's the weird thing.

I also became a bit friendly with Vesta, who surprisingly turned out to be quite a good listener.

It's weird, but I didn't get a portion of mental blows to the head during this time.

Nevertheless, as I fell asleep, I could see that the green around me was starting to get more and more green.

On Thursday, just as I was getting ready for school and my father was still home, I was pierced by a stab of sharp pain.

It was familiar-the same headaches I hadn't had in almost a week-but this one was many, many times worse. It was as if my head had been frozen into a cube of ice, and now someone with an alternatively gifted mind had taken a hammer and chisel and started breaking the ice, creating cracks and splitting everything inside.

I leaned against the wall and covered my eyes.

"Shinji!" shouted Vesta, curling up into a ball and rolling off the table towards me.

When I opened my eyes, I was already on the floor.

"W-what happened?" I asked, grabbing my head from the unbearable pain.

"What's wrong with you, Shinji?" the Bakugan asked.

"It hurts..." I stretched out, looking around and looking at the time.

I should have gone to school...


Suddenly my body glowed green from within.

"No!" ran through my head.

Hearing a rustle in the room next to me, I realized that if I showed my father now, things were going to get very, very bad.

Gritting my teeth, I went to the window, opened it, and looked out.

A tall tree was blocking the view, and its crown was almost against the window.

It was very lucky.

Started climbing up the tree branch.

"Hey! Take me with you!" said Vesta.

I stopped.


"Are you kidding me? My only friend is sick and I'm supposed to just leave it at that?"

For some reason, those words sank into my soul.

I decided to take it.

"If it burns, tell me."


I closed the window and quickly started to climb down.

"Hey, what did you mean?"

Again no response.

I took a quick look around me.

Black pants and white shirt...well, not the best choice for the woods, but no options. Yes, I'm going into the woods, with fire... there just aren't any better choices, and that's not to mention the fact that I'm wobbly and glowing like a Christmas tree.

It was unclear how long I'd been running. Long, yes, but how long, I don't know.

All the while, my Bakugan was suggesting I go somewhere for help.

Parents, friends, the ambulance...

I shook my head sadly.

At some point my body caught on something, I slipped and fell on the soft grass.

A moment later smoke started to billow from the grass, and I saw that it burned out in a flash.

An effort of will, and I rolled over. Inhale, exhale - the flames went out, but the pain got worse.

I really hoped the fire didn't engulf my entire body and burn my clothes.

"What is it?" Vesta asked, bouncing sideways from my fall.

"It's..." I smiled sadly. "My curse."

After that, I lay there and endured the pain while Vesta watched me.

"Why aren't you asking anyone for help?" he asked.

"I don't have anyone to help me," I replied.

"But..." - he started to say and fell silent, realizing there was nothing more to add. "What is this fire?"

Instead of answering, I simply called out to the flame on the index finger of my left hand.

"Emerald flame?" he exclaimed.

"Huh?" asked I tiredly.

"Isn't that what it is? A green-colored fire that doesn't hurt itself and has a very high temperature."

I shook my head and put out the fire.

"It's burning me, just not right away..."

Vesta seemed taken aback.

"I've never heard of such a thing."

"Neither have I."

"Is he the reason you ran away?"


I didn't know how to answer that, but I figured it would be best to start somewhere...

"Not really. Just a bad headache."


I, gradually and through the pain, told him all about what I was going through every 3-4 days.


Vesta, after this incident, seemed to start treating me a little warmer.

What a pity I didn't realize that it was just the beginning.....

Next chapter