
Eden, The Paradise Of Humanity

Part 3

Eden, the paradise of humanity


Eliot was waiting in the center of Eden, unable to get used to his new life. There was a huge anger against the creatures in him now

He was sitting quietly leaning against the wall, when Nell, a beautiful girl with black hair and brown eyes, who was approaching him, began to talk:

Nell: Did you use Desire as I told you?

Eliot: Yes, my weapon is a long sword

Nell: Can I see it?

Eliot intensified his desire and revealed his weapon


The honor of war

This weapon, in a hard and sharp form, is like the medicine of the Martial class! "Honor of War", which will never let you down with your "Endless" empowerment, will remain your closest friend for a long time.

Nell: "The honor of war", hmm…

Eliot: How is it? Is it good?

Nell: System is mentioned your reinforcement too, it must be quite compatible with you. Let's not lie, this is the first time I've seen a weapon having a strange name.

Eliot: What do you mean by saying "strange" ?

Nell: Anyway, like i said it's strange.

Eliot realized that he was very reckless after this reaction, got up and approached Nell.

Nell: The attack was abnormally large and unexpected. Normally, before a swarm of monsters approaches, the air of the area changes and it would become difficult to breathe, the Desire concentrated there would cause a change, but there was no change.

Eliot didn't want to talk about the attack at that moment, he shook his head and raised his hand and made a "walk" sign

As the two walked, Nell spoke again:

"It is very sad that you have lost your friend. I know, but it doesn't change anything if you get depressed, and besides, you need to meet the new team, and as someone who has received an reinforcement, they trust-"

Eliot suddenly stopped, turned his head, looked at Nell with empty eyes and said "You're talking too much."

At that time, an announcement was made throughout the center.

"Everyone who was outside the walls at noon yesterday is being called to the heart of Eden to report! Those who are present in the areas where the attack took place and do not report will be detained during the investigation."

The heart of Eden is a very important part that regularly radiates a desire for there to be no changes in the city. Eden can't stand without the heart. The heart formed naturally and created Eden with the support of its first-class users, even if it did not need it, it was fed with the advanced desires of powerful people on certain days. Whatever the heart fed on, heart reacted accordingly and scattered blessings.

The two who made their way to the heart had not spoken a word after the announcement.


3 days later

Somewhere outside the walls, quite far from the city;

Leroy was picking fruit from a fairly large and bushy tree that had grown inside a building, he was now nauseous because he ate every fruit he collected, and he said:

"Do I have to eat every fruit I pick? This thing has become annoying now."

After saying these things, he waited and spoke again when no sound came.

"And why ı have to eat orange, anyway? Couldn't I have eaten something else? What are these fruits for?"

When he did not get an answer again, Leroy, who was thoroughly bored by this situation, intensified the Desire in him and revealed his weapon.




This weapon, which did not write down the information, was the very instinct he received from that creature.

A voice echoed in his mind.

"What happened?"

Leroy: Why do I have to eat oranges? How does this help me?

Since the creature had formed a bond with Leroy, it was now part of his mind and spoke

"I like fruits."

Leroy sat on the floor and waited for minutes.

The voice was heard again:

"You break down the outside and you get something, you chew the pulp in your mouth, an excess just to keep the delicious water, and it makes you fell good, in the end, the delicious water goes down into your stomach with sour sweet or rewarding flavor."

"Isn't that what desire is, Leroy? For me, orange and desire is the Same thing."

Leroy: Why doesn't my weapon have information?

"Your weapon is powered by instinct, not by desire."

Leroy did not answer, out of boredom he walked out of the building and made his way to Eden. It was eating his heart out that his best friend let him die. he wanted to ask the creature about his friend.

"Do you think-"

As soon as he spoke, the entire energy inside him forcibly moved his body.

Leroy, who jumped to the right side, witnessed half of his left arm being torn apart.

Without realizing what happened. With a feeling, he avoided and saw his opponent, this creature, which was humanoid and quite thin, was moving tremendously fast.

He did not move again and started watching, Leroy, who was losing excessive blood on his arm, felt that his desire was reduced by half.

The muscles and fibers in Leroy's arm were being stitched up and healed very quickly by a purple liquid. It was clear that he had to do something, because this healing, which had consumed half of his energy, could only withstand one more attack, but since he had no ability, he could only wait, he was not in an advantageous situation.

"Leroy, that creature you saw is far above your level. He can move very fast in the direction the wind is flowing, he will make his last attack at the first breeze."

"Next to instinct, Desire is no different from an orange, focus!"

Leroy focused and began to feel the source of energy in him instinctively.



Your body has now become able to react to events on its own, as long as your inner instinct directs you, your body will serve as the weapon of the great Darmond

Leroy said "What" when he heared the information of his weapon, the weapon was him!



Eden, the paradise of humanity

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