
Quiet moment

Erik emerged from the bathroom after a relaxing shower, with an expression of total satisfaction.

"Phew... I didn't expect a shower to feel so good" He exclaimed as he dried his beautiful white hair.

And one thing he noticed was that his eyes were now golden. he hadn't noticed that before.

He also noticed that he was now much more handsome than before, but he quickly received a reality check when he remembered that it didn't matter how handsome he was. If he couldn't enjoy the most important pleasure for any living being.


'Why was I so unlucky to become the Incarnation of the End?'

Erik shook his head a little disappointed that he couldn't enjoy that supreme pleasure.

"Well, looks like it's time to upgrade the rank, so we can go to mid-rank dungeons."

After finishing changing, he headed to the living room where Violet was already dressed and was in the kitchen preparing some food.

Erik, somewhat chagrined, sat down on the couch.

"Meow ~"

The cat, snoozing placidly on the furniture, sensing an unfamiliar presence, approached the newly lodged one.

"Oh, how adorable. Violet, what's the cat's name?"

Erik asked with a smile, petting the beautiful white cat that was purring contentedly.

Violet looked up and saw Erik petting the cat with a warm smile.

"The cat's name is Kiara, but be careful, sometimes she bites if you pet her for too long."

He replied in a warm voice, concentrating again on chopping some vegetables.

"Oh, Kiara, what a beautiful name you have!"

Erik said, petting her with a warm smile.


The cat seemed to enjoy the petting, even rising on her paws as she meowed contentedly.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the apartment became cozy. Violet was in the kitchen, wearing a warm smile, while Erik was petting the cat Kiara, who seemed to be enjoying the petting to the fullest.

Violet finished cooking and set the table, while Erik, with a smile on his face, continued to pamper Kiara.

"Erik, the food is ready! Come eat!"

Violet called from the table.

Erik stopped petting Kiara, who didn't look too happy about being interrupted.

"I'm sorry little one. I have to go eat, but I'll be back later," Murmured as he moved away from the furniture.

They sat at the table and began to enjoy their meal in silence until Violet decided to break it up.

"What are our plans for tomorrow, are we going to do the same as today?"

"Hmm... I had considered that we might go update our ranks, but I don't know what you think about that."

Erik proposed, savoring the rich steak.

Violet's expression changed slightly as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Why did you change your mind so quickly, didn't you say that if we did that, we would draw the attention of the guilds?"

She asked in a serious tone but with confusion evident on her face. She didn't understand this sudden change.

After all, he said not to improve our rank because we might draw the attention of the Luminis guild, right? He was right about that because it was true.

'But now you say we have to improve our ranks?'

Violet was completely baffled.

"Should they upgrade the ranks, yes or no? Why the sudden change?"


Erik didn't answer right away, he remained silent as he chewed and swallowed delicately, clearly, he was enjoying the food very much.

"The reason you suddenly change your decision is because, as you can tell, those mana stones are almost useless to us now that we moved up in rank. And you noticed that first hand right?"

 Erik explained, taking a sip of juice.

"So, you mean these mana stones are useless? And that if we upgrade our ranks, we can go to a mid-rank dungeon and get D-rank mana stones to ascend faster to C-rank, right?"

Violet commented, expressing understanding.

"Yes, exactly as you say. That's why I've changed my mind. If you realize now, we won't be prepared enough, and besides, we have no backup, for obvious reasons."

Erik explained, revealing the reason for his sudden change of decision, although the main cause of his change was not that.

'When we improve our ranks, we'll be able to enter mid-rank dungeons and I'll be able to level up a bit faster.'

At this point, Erik wasn't so much worried about the impending problem with the Luminis guild, but the level of stagnation, which was his priority at the moment. If he didn't solve that, he was simply left to wait for death to come knocking at his door.

"I understand."

Violet nodded in agreement with what he said but then asked with narrowed eyes.

"Then why did you refuse to upgrade our ranks at first?"

She wanted to know the real reason.

"Why didn't you want to upgrade your rank before?"

Erik scratched his cheek a little and answered frankly.

"This... the reason I didn't want to upgrade my rank is because I haven't been a hunter for a month since I woke up. Upgrading my rank so quickly would draw too much attention and it's something I want to avoid."

It was an undeniable truth, and besides, he didn't expect such a fast level of stagnation.

He simply wished to get stronger without drawing too much attention from powerful hunters like Leon and others whose intentions he didn't know when they found out how fast he was getting stronger.

At the moment, he had no stable support or solid strength, nor did he want to be subordinate to anyone. His nature rejected the idea of being beneath anyone.

"Hmm, now it makes sense that you didn't want to upgrade your rank. Then we'll upgrade our rank tomorrow, right?"

"That's right, do you have any other ideas in mind? Because so far I've made most of the decisions and I feel like I'm..... ah, I don't know how to say it, but you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I know what you mean. For now, I have no choice but to listen to you, since you seem to be more rational in this situation than I am. I have no idea how to deal with this or how to look for a solution since this is the first time I'm faced with something like this."

Violet said, shrugging her shoulders.

She had never experienced anything like this before and didn't know how to handle it, especially when her enemies were a full guild, with a B-rank hunter leader.

So, for the time being, follow Erik's suggestions, as they seemed to be the best options at the moment and were paying off, as evidenced by the bag full of E-rank mana stones they had.

And, as they had nothing more important to discuss, they continued to enjoy the meal and from time to time exchanged words to get to know each other a little better.


At the top of the Luminis guild.

Alexander was tapping the desk impatiently and frowning. His son still gave no sign of it.

"Is there any news of my son?" he asked in an icy voice, making his secretary shiver.

"N-No, sir. Still no news of the young master."

Nervously replied the secretary.


Alexander snorted in annoyance, frowning even more. He hadn't been able to fall asleep, worried about his son.

He was sure now that something had happened to him; He had checked social media and his son hadn't logged on since his disappearance.

And no sign of that supposed girlfriend of his either.


Alexander's patience was wearing thin. He couldn't be calm when it came to his son. It had been many hours and still no news.

'Besides, those people are watching for the guild's growth to complete their plan.'

Alexander now had a lot on his mind.

Besides, what father wouldn't be worried about his beloved son, especially after more than a day without news from him?

Alexander spoke seriously:


"Yes, sir," he replied immediately.

"Spread my order to all guild members. I want my son to search all over the city. Anyone who does not cooperate will be eliminated. Also, instruct them that they may use any means, including recourse to information, interrogation, or any other possible means to find him."

Alexander expressed with an icy stare and a completely somber voice.

"Sir, what happens if the hunters' association intervenes?"

Mario asked in a low voice.

"I don't care if they intervene. They focus solely on finding my son, no matter the means. If he doesn't show up, hire a hacker to locate him."

Alexander replied without hesitation.

"What if, unfortunately, your son is dead?"

Mario asked cautiously.


Alexander remained silent.

He didn't know what he would do if his son was no longer dead, but he was sure he would shake the whole city to find out who was responsible for his death.

"Don't ask so many questions, go and convey my order now."

He indicated in a calm voice, though his murderous intent emanated from him palpably.

"Understood, sir!"


[Kiara reference]

[A/N: On the Discord server I will be posting the illustrations of Erik and Violet: https://discord.gg/uXPk9EaHYy]

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