
Unveiling vulnerabilities

I glanced at Smith as my heart began to rush. His eyes widened at the door and he stiffened every muscle in his body.

He shared my sense of shock and confusion. Unannounced, he hurriedly moved to the door. Everything slowed, and my ribs started to hurt. My ribs tightened as everything slowed. The raspy voice echoed through my brain. Who was it, and why were they looking for him on our wedding day? I picked up my dress and covered myself before

fleeing into the next room. I perched on the other side of the ajar door,

listening for any familiar sound.

The sound of a hand striking a cheek reverberated across the hallway. My calf muscles grew numb when a sudden weight increased by way of my body. I shuddered. Who the hell just hit my spouse in the face? An older woman raged, "I can't believe you married her anyway. "Okay, so it wasn't Alice, but my stomach was in a tizzy.

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