
MHA : Evolving : Chapter 12

' Kaminari '

"Shiiiiiiiiit!" Kaminari screamed, the oppressive black miasma vanishing as he was suddenly falling face first towards a massive lake, a few various figures already swimming around into it.

clenching his eyes shut, Kaminari forced himself to keep a tight grip on his quirk, not wanting to risk zapping any of his classmates that might have come through too once he landed in the water.

Opening his eyes with a wince from the harsh impact, he had to stop from letting out a scream and taking in water when he saw a villain with a shark quirk rushing towards him.

"Nothing personal kid but it's time to die!" the shark guy shouted, mouth opening wider than Kaminari thought possible, certainly big enough to bite off a nice chunk of 1-A student.

"Hey Kaminari!" the happy voice of Tsu called out as she slammed feet first into the side of the shark guy's head, Yayorozu holding onto their classmate for dear life as Tsu shot her tongue out at him, the long appendage wrapping around his appendage as she shot off through the water, pulling him along behind.

"See ya!" she shouted cheerfully behind at the villain zooming away.

"Thank you Asui." Yayorozu panted as their amphibian classmate dropped them off on the deck of a yacht that was in the lake.

"Call me Tsu!" Tsu scolded, climbing up the side of the boat after them, more and more aquatic villains breaking the surface of the lake.

"Tsu I could kiss you!" Kaminari panted, looking at Tsu like she was the greatest person to ever live.

"N-now's not the time." Tsu blushed, flustered by his comment as Kaminari followed suit once he processed what he'd blurted out.

"We need a plan though." Yayorozu winced as she got up, wringing the water out of her hair "There are a lot of villains down there. Kaminari, you have an electricity quirk, correct? Could you use it to take care of the villains down there?"

"Not without hurting you two as well." Kaminari scowled, hating the fact that he couldn't aim his quirk yet, that he couldn't use it without hurting his friends if they were too close.

"I can generate electricity to coat myself or release it in blasts but when I release it the energy just goes everywhere, I can't aim it.

I couldn't even just jump back into the lake since I'm not immune to electricity so by charging that lake I'd probably kill myself."

"Definitely not doing that." Tsu shook her head firmly, "But what can we do? I don't know if I could jump all the way across the lake while carrying you both."

"I got it!" Yayorozu clapped excitedly as she scrunched her eyebrows in focus, a glow coming from her exposed skin as a length of shining chain started emerging from between her breasts.

He only got a split moment to see this before Tsu slapped a hand over his eyes with a startled 'Ribbit!'.

"This chain is solid Aluminum which is highly conductive. Could you hold the chain and use that to shock the villains into submission?"

"I…I should be able to." Kaminari nodded from behind Tsu's hand, "If im careful I can do just enough to take them out without killing them. And once the charge stops it should be safe enough for Tsu to jump us most of the way across the lake."

"Sounds like a plan to me. But what do we do when we get out of the lake?" Tsu asked, Kaminari able to picture her tilting her head as she thought aloud.

"We try to regroup back at the steps with the rest of the class." Yayorozu declared confidently as he heard the sound of rattling chain stop, implying that she had finished pulling metal out of the ether.

"What about all the villains out there?" Tsu asked, finally releasing Kaminari's face as he picked up the length of chain that had a large, weighted end "They came here to kill All Might.

If they went through all the trouble of getting this many people and breaking in here, they probably have some sort of plan that they think would work."

"Then we wouldn't stand a chance." Kaminari was fucking terrified and was not afraid to admit it "But what we can do is get with our class, get the flying fuck out of here, call for back up, and watch with some popcorn as All Might turns the villains into a large puddle of goo."

"You don't want to fight?" Tsu looked somewhat surprised at him.

"Aizawa is a pro, I'm going to trust he can handle himself. We'd only get in his way." Kaminari shook his head as he got the chain, "Now you two get as far from me as you can, I don't want to risk shocking either of you."

Once the girls were far enough away, Kaminari started swinging the chain, throwing it towards the water as the villains started laughing and jeering.

"You missed brat!" the shark one, half his face a massive bruise, shouted with a smirk.

"Shocking, I know." Kaminari grinned before lighting up the chain, the energy spreading out visibly through a chunk of the lake as the villains all yelled, spasming and jerking before blacking out. Thankfully they wouldn't drown if they were breathing underwater before he arrived.

"Your puns need some work Kaminari." Tsu pointed out as she and Yayorozu appeared, a finger at the frog girl's mouth as Kaminari pouted.

"That's mean Tsu, that's just mean." Kaminari grumbled as he started drawing his chain out of the water, his quirk shut off as he gave the water a chance to lose its charge and be safe for Tsu to jump them back across.


' Kendo '

Grunting, Kendo landed with a hard slam, Ojiro falling down beside her as they found themselves in a city on fire, various villains cackling and sneering as they flexed their quirks or weapons. "You alright Ojiro?" Kendo asked, dropping into a stance as she enlarged her hand.

"Never better Kendo." Her fellow martial artist grunted, cracking his neck as his tail lashed out like a whip "I mean, look at this gift that mist guy gave us." The villains were looking confused as Kendo picked up on the banter to throw them off plan.

"All the targets we could ever want to test our fighting styles on and work out all this frustration." Kendo agreed with a cheerful but savage smirk.

"Shall we fight our way back to class then my lady?" Ojiro cracked his knuckles as his tail smashed into a garbage can and caved in part of the metal, the various villains and thugs suddenly looking a lot less sure of themselves.

"We shall indeed. Whoever takes out the most thugs wins a smoothie?" She offered, the banter and goal to focus on helping distract her from the sheer pants wetting terror of having a horde of villains wanting to kill her.

"You're on Kendo." Ojiro nodded before they charged the thugs, limbs lashing out to fight their way out of this flaming hellscape.


' Tokoyami '

"A mad banquet of darkness indeed!" Tokoyami snarled, Koda hiding behind him as Dark shadow thrashed around the Squall area, the dark environment providing power for Dark Shadow while the building lights and occasional flash of artificial lightning provided enough light to keep his Quirk from going out of control.

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw his soft-spoken companion by a few unconscious thugs.

"Are you alright Koda?" he asked, the rock like quirk user giving a shaky thumbs up "Then let's push on! Our companions need us!"


' Todoroki '

"Hmph." Todoroki let out a scoff as he landed in what looked like a recently finished landslide, broken trees and shattered stone all around him as Villains stepped out from whatever bit of cover they could.

"Seriously? All they sent us was a little candy cane brat?" One of them sounded upset at this "They couldn't have sent us a hot chick or something? There had to be one or two stacked ones!" Todoroki's expression went from cold to arctic.

Ice spread like wildfire, racing out as it covered the landslide zone, freezing the villains in place as only their faces were left uncovered.

"You know." Todoroki approached one of them, venom dripping from his tone as the villains cursed and struggled against their frozen bonds "Long term exposure to ice of that extent would be quite bad for your health. Hypothermia will likely kill cells if it goes on too long so why don't you answer my questions."

"W-what the hell are you?!" the villain he chose to interrogate whimpered in wide eyed terror.

"First, how do you intend to kill All Might." Todoroki ignored the villains terrified query, idly noting a bright flash of lightning over by a lake in another part of the USJ facility. "I'd answer before certain bodily parts are permanently lost from frostbite."


' Mina '

"Ow, my ass." Mina groaned, rubbing her sore rear as she landed on the concrete floor of a ruined building, Jiro and Sato landing by her.

"I can rub it and make it feel better!" a creepy lizard looking villain shouted as they leapt down from the ceiling.

"STRANGER DANGER!" Mina screamed, lashing out with an acid coated kick as the villain yelled, getting kicked out the window with a terrified yell.

"That…that was too easy." Jiro frowned, her extendable earlobes lashing out to zap a coupe more villains while Sato put a fourth in a headlock, not even needing to bust out his sugar.

"These guys are all super weak." Sato frowned, "They can't just think that numbers will be enough to kill All Might…right?"

"Unless…they have a few stronger ones in the courtyard." Mina tried thinking about it, she might not be as smart as Midoriya, but she was no idiot…most of the time.

"That warp gate guy was strong." Sato started beating more of the thugs, using a hardening quirk thug as a bat to smack them around, "And their leader is probably stronger if the warp gate guy isn't giving the orders."

"And who knows how many other strong ones there are." Jiro nodded, one of her lobes stabbing into the wall "Most of them are running away after seeing Mina punt one through a window while covered in acid."

"So, what do we do now?" Sato frowned, hand going to his sugar packets.

"What else!" Mina gave a fist pump "We're heroes! Let's see if any of the others need help and then go get the teachers!"

"Right!" the others nodded, glad to have a plan.


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