
Chapter Twenty-Two

Choon-Hee felt her throat closing up with anxiety. She remembers the first time she realized she had stage fright. Although, it wasn't a major case. She prefers to perform in a group. So even if she made a mistake, she had a team to back her up. But this round of training was individual. Choon-Hee starts to realize she has no idea how Mi-Sun expected her and Obi to even support her in this section of the tryouts.

They sat in the same place they had performed on the stage in the first rounds. But every time a name was called, they were guided backstage instead. Mi-Sun held Obi's and Choon-Hee's hands in a deadly grip.

“So why did you decide to pull us into this?” Obi whispered to Mi-Sun as another name was called.

“Knowing you guys are supporting me from out here gives me enough courage.”

“Oh so us supporting you from home isn't enough?!” Choon-Hee asked as she pulled Mi-Sun into a playful chokehold.

“No!” Mi-Sun whispered shouted with a giggle.

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