
Chapter 101: Father VS Son (1)


"To be a parent means but one thing... and that is to be a... role model."

- Yujiro Hanma, (Baki)


<(Omniscient POV)> 

"Father, no!" Thor shouted after witnessing his father attacking his newly found brother and immediately attempted to stop him. He decided to throw his hammer towards Odin to buy some time by distracting him. But before Mjolnir could even leave Thor's grasp, a single glance from Odin in Thor's direction resulted in the hammer suddenly turning extremely heavy with the runes on the weapon lighting up and thereby slipping from the God of Thunder's grip, falling on the floor like a heavy dumbbell that he could no longer lift.

"Don't interfere, child." Odin declared before casually flicking a finger in the air at Thor which led to the god of thunder getting hurled away from the palace like a limp puppet. 

"Odin, stop! You can't hurt him; he is your own son. We can figure this out diplomatically like you yourself used to always prefer." Frigga warned, a spark of greenish-golden magic gracing her fingers. Although it was unclear just which of Odin's sons she was talking about, she still looked like she was more determined than she would ever be. "We have already lost two daughters, one of our sons just rebelled against you and now, you want to banish another one. Your so-called grand plans are not protecting our family. It is destroying it. So please... stop!" 

"It is too late to stop, my Queen. I must see everything to the end. Yes, my plans undoubtedly bear a great cost to my children's lives but again, all my children have always been disappointments." He answered in a gloomy voice as he snapped his fingers, instantly teleporting his wife to the furthest corner of the city, making sure that she could no longer interfere in his battle.

The All-father could not afford to deal with distractions right now. He had a battle to fight. Even though he couldn't exactly estimate just how powerful his eldest son was, he knew that if he were anything like his daughter, then their battle hadn't even begun.

"Oh shit." Polaris, who still looked like she was struggling to understand the situation, quickly moved away from Odin before forming a magnetic forcefield around her. 

She then used her magnetic ability to take control of Odin's spear-like weapon and his golden armor which were both made from Uru metal, something she already knew she could control due to her previous practice with Thor's hammer and the Destroyer armor, so this wasn't anything new for her. Under the effects of her power, both Odin's armor and weapon began to feel heavier and heavier to the All-Father. At first, it was mild discomfort but soon, he struggled to move his limbs or even budge his fingers much less stand with the newly increased weight. Even his monstrous Asgardian strength failed in front of the continuously increasing weight of his armaments that were trying to pull his entire body to the floor.

However, all this struggle that he faced only lasted for a few moments after which Odin with a mighty shout released a wave of divine energy from his body that flung Polaris away like a doll, her body only surviving the impact due to the presence of the forcefield around her. As a result, her hold on the All-Father's Uru armament instantly disappeared like it was never there. 

"Your abilities are... exceptional." The All-Father was quite surprised at the girl's unique ability to manipulate metals even including magical ones like Uru. The forces who could stop or control Uru weapons were minimal if not almost non-existent. Asgardians had always liked using the magical metal in their most powerful weapons because they thought that no one except other godly beings could stop them or protect themselves against it. But now that he had found a mortal being who was able to control the metal like it was nothing, Odin was naturally wondering if he should imprison or kill the girl right then and there to get rid of the threat permanently.

But just as Odin was about to make a move to get rid of the girl, a wave of telekinesis hit him like a freight train, pushing him away a few steps back.

"That attack was uncalled for, father. You played dirty with your own son. You should be ashamed of yourself." Atem mocked with a chuckle while cracking his neck as the few burns now visible on his body healed back until his entire form became flawless again. He mentally commanded Zoya to open a Hush Tube behind Lorna and then telekinetically pushed her through it to safety despite the young X-force member's constant protests, since he knew that Polaris would only be a liability in his fight against Odin. "But now that I know you want to get rid of me, I no longer have to worry about being... a "filial" son. I can just beat you to shit now without feeling even an ounce of pity." He announced as his red-ringed Rinnegan eyes ominously glimmered with a crimson glow.

Odin wasn't afraid of Atem. As the Sky Father who had ruled Asgard for thousands of years, he wasn't scared of anyone. In fact, to show how fearless he was, he bravely glared at Atem, refusing to move his gaze away from the New God's glowing eyes, which was quite surprisingly a grave mistake for the All-Father since the very next moment, he felt unbearable pain spreading through his body with his frame unable to move even a single inch, no matter how hard he tried. Odin had fallen into an illusion where he could feel massive rocks trying to dig their way into his crucified unmoving body.

"Petty tricks." Odin declared with a snort, instantly realizing that Atem was trying to trap him in an illusion. He silently reached into the Odin Force and used its power to cleanse his mind of all illusions and magic. Unlike Galactus, Odin was not just a hungry giant with world-ending powers. He was a cold, calculating chess master with thousands of years of experience who knew how to use his power in the most efficient way possible. So, using the same trick on Odin that Atem had once used on Galactus, wasn't going to work.


<(Atem POV)>

Seeing that Odin had escaped my Rinnegan's 'genjutsu' which was enhanced by my telepathic powers to be even stronger, I knew that mental attacks weren't going to work on him since his already strong mental defenses were further being bolstered by his Odin force to be almost impregnable.

I decided to alter my strategy. I opened numerous gates to my inventory, manifesting as swirling red portals surrounding Odin, and then launched the Black Receivers that I had previously created with my Rinnegan and stored there. I was confident that the Black receivers would at least be able to weaken the Sky Father if not kill him due to their innate trait of absorbing vitality and all types of life energies.

Confronted with hundreds of Black Receivers targeting him, Odin furrowed his brows. But rather than trying to dodge them, he instead conjured a massive, radiant broadsword out of thin air and swung it around him with a single hand. A whirlwind of blue energy burst forth from the blade, obliterating the majority of the Black Receivers, while a handful remained, embedding themselves harmlessly into the ground encircling the All-Father.

"I have a lot of experience with defending against black blades. Those black rods you threw at me were similar to Hella's necro-swords. Her weapons have the trait of destroying life while yours absorb them." Odin revealed before appearing in front of me in a flash of unimaginable speed that was even faster than my thoughts and took another swing at my body with his Odin sword without giving me even a single moment to react.

I tried my best to convert my body into its divine spirit form to phase through the blade, but my cosmic awareness told me that it wouldn't work. The Odin sword was even more powerful than Gungnir and it could cut through me even if I were to turn into a spirit. 

However, despite my not being able to react to Odin's attack in time, the mystical cape of Spawn that the system had once awarded me in a quest was able to do so. It coiled around the blade of the magical sword and hardened itself, trying to contain the entire might of the attack to protect me while using its own necroplasmic energy to negate the magical power inside the sword.

Despite being sent flying out of the floating city of Asgard because of the sheer strength behind the attack, I couldn't feel any pain. The cloak had succeeded in protecting me by absorbing the brunt of the attack but with a heavy cost as half of the cape was now missing, torn to literal shreds by the magical energy of the sword. However, I wasn't too sad since I knew that the cape had the capability to regenerate itself in time. It wouldn't be instantaneous but within a few days, the cloak would become as good as new.

"I forged this sword from the most cursed object in Asgard's history. This great sword can only be safely wielded by me, that is why it's called the Odin Sword. it was made to fight the Celestials on equal ground along with the Destroyer armor. To have blocked a full-powered hit from it without suffering any fatal injury..., you have truly proved that you have my blood flowing inside you. You have grown strong beyond what most Asgardians could even dream of achieving in their lifetimes. You could have been my successor, my most powerful child... if only you didn't have that bird's power in you. That is why you must be dealt with before 'THEY' notice and use you to halt my carefully laid plans." Odin explained before raising his sword once again to take a swing.

But this time I could clearly sense what Odin was trying to do to reach that level of unimaginable speed again. He wasn't that fast on his own. No, he was in fact, using Odin Force on my surroundings. He was not only using Odin Force to increase his own speed but also pulling me towards him while erasing the space between us. He was literally altering reality to make sure that I wouldn't be able to dodge his attacks and that he could use the full strength of the Odin Sword in his every swing with no chance of missing.

"You cheating piece of shit," I muttered angrily as once again I found myself a few centimeters away from the edge of Odin's dangerously glowing blade. "Erase!" I released a powerful wave of nothingness around me while simultaneously forming layers of Susanoo around my body to protect me from the attack that seemed strong enough to destroy a solar system in a single slash.



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