
Chapter 99: Welcome to Asgard (2)


"I'm going to prove that the term father truly means master."

– Yujiro Hanma, (Baki)


<(Atem POV)> 

"Huff I can't look at another single book anymore. Somebody, please kill me, I fully admit defeat. I can do anything in the world, but studying is something I will no longer do. I don't care about that 'knowledge is power' bullshit. Just let me leave with my brain intact." I sarcastically pleaded, trying my best to hold back my mock tears as I slowly backed into a corner in the Asgardian Royal Library.

"Don't you think that you are severely overreacting, master? I am doing most of the work here by scanning all these books and manuscripts. All you are doing is just getting them out of their respective shelves for me." Zoya replied in a flat monotone voice as the floating Mother Box finished scanning the hazel-colored tome in my palms.

"Don't judge me, Zoya. You won't understand my pain anyway." I harrumphed, acting like I was offended by her snide remark. "Anyway, this was the last spell-book in this section of the library. The only remaining books we haven't scanned yet are the ones on Asgardian history, art, and culture, as well as the books kept in the restricted and forbidden sections. We are done with everything else." I exhaled with great relief. 

it has been a few days since we saved Asgard from the invasion of Frost Giants. The Asgardians have already finished repairing their city to how it was before the invasion. Odin, however, was still resting in his patented Odin sleep although his wife Frigga practically guaranteed that he would be waking up soon.

Thor on the other hand wasn't wasting this time and was happily taking advantage of this opportunity. He was wisely using the last few days of his father's absence from the throne to give all of his friends on Earth the tour of Asgard that he had promised. He knew that once the All-Father woke up, he would most likely refuse to let any Midgardian come to Asgard for something as inconsequential as a tour, so the God of Thunder was gladly taking advantage of his father's "coma" to show off his homeland while hanging out with his friends. Of course, his mother and his Asgardian friends knew this very well too, but they simply didn't care since they were just glad to see the prince happy again after his shameful banishment to Midgard by his father. 

Oh, and also, I met the All-Mother of Asgard, Frigga as well. Thor was quite adamant that I had to meet her as he thought that we would get along quite well with each other since both of us were "sorcerers". Honestly, he wasn't wrong since the moment Frigga met me, she became extremely curious about my identity and the unique style of magic I used. In her own words, she found something familiar about me, like she was supposed to know me. In fact, she was so impressed with the versatility of my magic, that she even offered me the position as her student as long as I agreed to become a citizen of Asgard and pledge my loyalty to it. Of course, I denied her offer without considering it for even a single second since I had no wish to serve someone else.

I did want to learn as much as I could about the Mystic arts as possible, but I didn't exactly need her help for that. Just the mystic and magical knowledge stored in the libraries of Asgard was enough for me to advance my skills since the wizarding magic I possessed from the HP universe was extremely compatible with all types of spells and magic schools. 

"Viking brute prince incoming" Zoya joked just before Thor walked into the library with a huge grin on his face and what seemed like almost a skip in his steps.

"Good news, my dear friend. My father has finally woken up and he wants to see you so that he can reward you for saving Asgard." The God of Thunder spilled as soon as he noticed me, it was almost as if he was no longer able to hold himself back from keeping the good news to himself. 

"At last. I thought I would never be able to leave this accursed library. I have finished searching through almost every book here, but I didn't find the mention of anything about my family that seemed to resonate with me. I think your father is my final straw to find out who my parents really are." I effortlessly lied through my teeth.

"I see, that's unfortunate. But don't worry, Atem. If someone in Asgard has any idea about your parental heritage, it would be my father. People don't call him the All-Seeing All-Father just for respect, you know?" He showed a big smile as he placed his right hand along my shoulder. "Anyway. let's go. He should have finished berating Loki in his prison cell by now and should be on his way to the throne room. We shouldn't make him wait for too long." He uttered before pulling me along with him.

The Asgardian palace followed a design like most other medieval castles of European design. Although no one could deny the extravagance of its construction like the pieces of solid gold that were used as its building blocks or the intricate handmade designs on its walls and the lifelike statues of various Norse Gods littered throughout the castle, the fact still remained that this castle was made to last generations, to resist wars and to be immune to the ravages of time. Security systems made from a mix of magic and the highest grades of science, alert warriors armed to the teeth with Uru weapons, and many more extreme measures were scattered throughout almost every castle corridor. The Asgardian military forces were still on high alert. It seemed like they were still expecting surprise attacks from different realms since word had already gotten out that Asgard had withstood some heavy damage due to the "war" against the Frost Giants.

'But no matter who attacked, they would never stand a chance against Odin.' I mentally thought to myself as I felt the absurd amount of energy that was connecting every single being on Asgard with the city itself. I could perceive that this energy was linked to the life forces of every single Asgardian and its absolute control was in the hands of a single owner, but the weird thing was this energy seemed to be divided into two and the two parts were actively clashing against each other. 

I could feel it, the energy soaking the entire city of Asgard. It was like a venomous snake coiling around a mighty raven, trying to squeeze the life of the bird away while the raven was trying its best to gouge out the eyes of the snake and hold it down somehow. Currently, they were in a stalemate, but I could tell that the snake was growing stronger with time even if it was by a tiny bit while the raven had begun to show signs of weakness brought about by the ravages of time. 

"Since your father has finally awakened, what about Jane, Darcy, and Erik? Are they still here? Or have you sent them back to Midgard already?" I asked, trying to tease him.

"Haha, so you noticed. Yeah, my father isn't big on allowing non-Asgardians into Asgard, especially when they are people originating from Midgard. In fact, you were the first person to step foot here from Midgard in the last millennia. My mother took a gamble when she offered you the position of her student. If you had accepted it, she would have had quite an argument with Father to make sure that he respected her wishes. But fret not, I am sure once the All-Father learns about all the help you provided us with in the war against Loki and his Frost Giants, he will be more than happy to offer you a permanent residence in Asgard as a reward." Thor nodded like it was a fact. "As for Jane and the other two, I took them back to Midgard this morning. I think it is... too early for them to meet Father. My father's aura isn't something mortals can easily handle. As for Lorna, she should be with my mother. The last time I saw them, Lorna was giving the All-Mother a demonstration of her abilities. They should be in the throne room as well." Thor revealed.

"I see. It would be better if she stayed close to me... After all, we have no idea when we might be kicked out." I mumbled the last part to myself just as we reached outside the entrance to the throne room guarded by two royal Asgardian guards.

"Good, we arrived before Father." Thor smiled in relief as he gestured for me to follow him inside.

Now, I expected something like a full feast or celebration going on inside the throne room to celebrate the victory against the Giants but much contrary to my expectations, the royal chamber wasn't filled with civilians or advisers like they are generally shown in periodic dramas. The entire hall only had two people inside, one being All-Mother Frigga sitting on the Queen's throne and the other being Lorna casually sitting on one of the chairs near the Queen's. The king's throne and the rest of the chairs decorated around the chamber were empty. 

"Ah, finally, you are here, Atem. Look what the All-Mother gave me. She gifted me a set of Uru throwing knives since they can complement my powers. Cool, aren't they?" Lorna began to show off her new set of golden blades like an excited little kid as soon as she saw me.

"Calm down my child. You can show your new knives to him later but right now you should put them in their scabbards. One isn't allowed to draw their weapons in the throne room without the King's permission." Frigga calmly spoke up at which Lorna dejectedly put her knives back into her scabbards with a downcast face while Thor subtly hid his hammer behind his cape, acting as if nobody could notice him. "As for you Atem, I trust that your journey to the library has borne some fruit. After all, knowledge is never wasted." She added with a knowing smile on her face as if she knew exactly why I had been spending all my waking hours in the library.

"Yes of course." I managed to put an awkward smile on my face at her words.

"He is here," Thor suddenly announced as an old stout man dressed in golden armor from head to toe slowly walked into the hall from behind the throne while holding a mighty spear in his hands, the same spear that Loki had been using until he was defeated. 

Odin was old no doubt, he was probably older than the word old. But that didn't mean he was weak and feeble. No, the king of Asgard exuded strength unlike any other. His every step commanded respect and power. The danger that radiated from his body seemed to dwarf even Galactus for some reason, which shouldn't be the case since they were both supposed to be on the same general level of strength. But despite all that strength and power, the man seemed as calm as a rock while he observed everyone in the room one by one until his gaze finally settled on me, scanning me from head to toe with a frown on his wrinkled face.

However, despite my cosmic awareness and Rinnegan working in tandem to observe every single detail about the Norse God of Wisdom, there was just one thought that seemed to be playing inside my mind like a broken record. "Does he know?" 

"Father, this Midgardian man's name is Atem. He helped me in saving Asgard and defeating Loki. Without him, Asgard would have suffered much more damage than its present state." Thor introduced me. "I have not only brought him here to be rewarded but also to request your help in identifying his lineage since we think that he might have Asgardian blood in him...." The God of Thunder tried to explain.

"How... Why are you...?" Odin mumbled like an old fool interrupting Thor, his shocked eyes refusing to leave mine for even a single second.

"Did you say something, my love?" Even Frigga, who had noticed the peculiar behavior of her husband, asked curiously as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"King Odin, as a reward for saving Asgard, I would like to know the route to Helheim," I declared with a straight face.

Maybe he would just tell me the way and let me go without any drama since I was so honest with my intentions. 

"... HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" Odin yelled in his booming voice with a face full of disbelief while clenching his spear tighter than ever as if he wanted to get rid of a mistake he had made a long time ago in his life.



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