
Chapter 97: The End of Mischief? (2)


"You are gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder."

- Mickey Goldmill, (Rocky)


<(Atem POV)> 

"Wow, Loki is one hell of a drama queen, isn't he? Also, why does it sound like he is trying to suppress his British accent?" Lorna muttered to me as we watched him walk (slightly uncomfortably) into the center of the town, dressed in the Destroyer armor that seemed a little bit too tight in the groin region for him.

"He seems like a clown to me. Are we sure Loki is Thor's little brother?" Darcy wondered out loud in a confused voice. 

After the agents from Shield had evacuated everyone to the other side of town with the excuse that a powerful cyclone was heading our way, Darcy decided to accompany me and Lorna since she thought that she would be the safest with us instead of them. She had tried to bring Erik and Jane with her too, but Erik didn't want to take any chances with his safety while Jane was just too deep in love with Thor to even think of leaving him and prioritizing her own safety.

"He is adopted," I answered with a straight face before spreading my senses around the town. I could sense about fifty Frost Giants atop white polar bear-like beasts struggling to adapt to the heat of the desert and the sun while searching for Thor.

It looked like Loki of this universe was either extremely arrogant or an immense idiot since he was stupid enough to bring frost giants that only lived and thrived in the extreme cold to New Mexico of all places and that too during the day. Even without us doing anything, those overgrown ice popsicles would be half-dead before the sunset. Well at least, Loki was still smart enough to wear the Destroyer armor to get access to its full power instead of just controlling it remotely.

"Brother, I am here as you wanted. Just don't hurt any humans, it's me who you want. Even though I never realized it, I seem to have been the reason for all your suffering these past centuries. You can do whatever you want with me, Loki, but these people are innocent. Let them go." Thor bravely came out, still wearing his 'I ❤️ Milfs' t-shirt while Jane stood a couple of meters behind him with a worried look on her face. "Please brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, you can kill me to get your revenge, but don't drag anyone else into this." Thor pleaded as he walked closer and closer to Loki.

"Wait, this wasn't the plan. He was only supposed to try and bring Loki to the Light side again, wasn't he? Is Thor committing suicide or something...?" Darcy couldn't help but exclaim out loud in surprise but before she could even come to a conclusion, the faceplate of Loki's armor closed, and a golden beam of explosive light shot out toward Thor, visually almost roasting the God of Thunder alive.

"NOOOO" Jane was the first one to react as she tried running towards Thor in an attempt to save him but the heat radiating from the beam alone was enough to keep her away while discouraging the Sif and the Warrior Three who had just arrived after killing a couple of Frost Giants nearby from approaching him as well.

"SHIT! Atem, aren't you going to help him? He will become the god of roasted skin and burnt hair instead of the god of Thunder if this continues." Darcy said in a panic. 

"I don't really need to. Something else is going to save him." I answered before pointing at a projectile flying toward Thor with blinding speed all the while a dark thunderstorm was forming in the sky.

"Seems like his hammer finally got over his performance issues. He can hopefully finally get it up again." Lorna chuckled at her own joke before looking at me and Darcy, "What? He really was having performance issues. Can't a girl crack a dirty joke anymore?" She complained like we had wronged her somehow.

While Lorna was trying to crack a joke, Loki on the other hand, was cursing himself for not somehow taking care of Mjolnir before he initiated his plan of killing his brother. "NO." He tried to scream after realizing what was going to happen. However, before he could stop it, Thor's hand had already weakly stretched toward the incoming weapon and grabbed onto the handle of the hammer in a burst of explosive blue lightning that pushed Loki dozens of feet away, even while he was wearing his Destroyer armor. 

"Okay, NOW we can join in," I uttered before coming out from behind the house where the three of us were waiting. I immediately activated my Rinnegan since it was the best way to make myself immune to all of Loki's illusions besides relying on my Cosmic Awareness. "Gosh, Loki is one slimy bastard of a god. I can't believe he has hidden himself with an illusion and invisibility spell already. He really does prioritize his life, doesn't he?"

"You... After everything you have put me through, you still refuse to die. You will always be a thorn in my side, won't you, brother? No, not anymore. It's my turn to rule. I have the true power here and for the first time in my life, I am stronger than you." Loki shouted with rage on seeing his elder brother back in his Asgardian armor as seven more duplicates of the God of Trickery materialized in front of Thor and attacked him with golden energy blasts from Gungnir all at the same time.

Of course, Thor being Thor blocked the energy blasts by just spinning his hammer at supersonic speeds like a shield in front of him. Then he sent a couple of couple of lightning streams of his own toward Loki which the God of Lies just simply absorbed into his Destroyer armor with an evil grin before releasing all the accumulated energy at Thor again in the form of another golden blast of energy from its faceplates. The energy blasts this time was powerful enough to send even the God of Lightning crashing through houses, making him groan in pain.

But Loki wasn't done by just this. When Thor somehow did get up, wobbling like a drunk Viking, Loki summoned the Casket of Ancient Winters in front of him and used its power to send a blue energy beam at Thor, instantly freezing the God of Thunder in ten-inch-thick white ice. 

I see why Thor couldn't even scratch the armor with Mjolnir's lightning. After all, the armor is made of the same Uru metal that Mjolnir and Gungnir are made of, with enchantments cast by Odin himself to protect Asgard and battle Celestials when needed. Shattering it into pieces with his Hammer should be a lot harder for Thor than what was shown in the MCU version. Thor would probably have to do a God-Blast or something to achieve that same level of feat here, especially since Loki is already wearing it which should have already increased their combined power and durability by a lot. 

"Lorna, it's time. Take control of the Destroyer armor before the fight becomes more serious. I don't want my new armor to have scratches even before I wear it." I ordered Lorna to which she nodded and raised her hands at one of the projections of Loki. She wasn't at all confused by Loki's illusion spell since she could easily sense the real Loki's presence because of her electromagnetic sight through which she could perceive all the metal that Loki was carrying with him including his magical staff and armor.

"The armor is the same as the hammer. The metal is something I can easily control but something is actively preventing me from remolding it." Lorna explained before tightly clenching her raised arm.

Loki who was effortlessly standing till now in his armor, suddenly began to visibly get agitated as he felt a great weight upon him. Within just a moment, the pressure on him increased to such an extent that he was forced to kneel on the ground as his body went limp, stuck to the earth like a pair of magnets.

"W-what is happening? What sorcery is this? Giants, save me... save your king." He yelled in anger and desperation as his attempts to raise Gungnir or move his body even the slightest bit failed spectacularly. 

"Your Frost Giant slaves won't save you. They have things of their own to worry about and survive... like this hot weather." I declared while calmly walking towards the kneeling god before snapping my fingers and using Ryujin Jakka to produce red-hot fire in the palm of my hands which shot up in the air and covered the entire sky above the town, painting it orange from its usual blue color and increasing the temperature by quite a bit as well.

Soon, fragments of fire began to rain from the huge fiery sky like small meteors, falling precisely on all the remaining Frost Giants that were spread throughout the town, burning them to a crisp until nothing remained. One of the "meteors" even fell on Thor's ice block, instantly melting it and freeing him from the ice, although judging by the lightning sparks that had begun to pass through the ice block, Thor could have successfully freed himself if given enough time.

"Human, you have no idea what you did. I will have my revenge once I get free from here. I will find everyone you have ever loved and then I will kill them all in front of your very eyes before finally killing you." He threatened as a green shroud of energy enveloped him before he disappeared in a flash and appeared a few feet away from me.

Loki then again summoned the Casket of Ancient Winters in front of him and fired another thick blue ice beam at me, but I was ready for it and began to produce more Ryujin Jakka flames in my palms before unleashing it at Loki. My stream of fire and his ice met in a clash of elements as the two began to fight each other while trying to snuff out the other's existence because of their contrasting natures. But it was clear from Loki's face that using the Casket was taking a physical toll on him for some reason, probably because he wasn't a pure Frost Giant and had Asgardian blood given to him by Odin actively suppressing his Frost Giant side. Thus, he wouldn't be able to continue this for a long time. So, without a wish to drag this longer, I increased my power output. The flames I was spewing toward Loki began to burn brighter and brighter until they turned white and then finally became invisible to the naked eye. 

However, despite having become invisible, the fire I was producing was currently burning at the same temperature as the sun, if not hotter. I could feel the moisture in the air drying up because of the flames while the Earth beneath us was becoming drier by the second. Even the sweat drops on Loki's face were disappearing as soon as they appeared because of the unbelievable heat generated from the flames. Furthermore, the flames were able to completely overpower and dominate the amount of power of the Casket that Loki was able to access.

"AAAAHHHHH" The god of trickery soon screamed in pain from the immense heat as the Casket disappeared from his grasp, and he fell to the ground with a pained look on his face. He had a big burn mark on his face that had scorched part of his cheek clean off. 

"NO, MY FACE" He screamed in rage and sorrow as he looked at me with bloodshot eyes, making me just smirk at him in return.

The only reason he had even survived the invisible flames of the Ryujin Jakka was because of the royal Asgardian blood in his body that Odin had bound him with when he was an infant. If he was just a pure Frost Giant, then he would have already burnt to nothingness. 

Even Thor who had come to a standstill from his surprise of watching me easily take care of his brother despite him having access to so many treasures from Odin's vault, appeared to be confused as well if he should rejoice in our victory or stop me from hurting his brother further. 

"We need to go to Asgard now, Thor. it is probably still under the rule of the Frost Giants that Loki invited to your kingdom." I announced to make sure that Thor remembered his priorities right now, rather than his love for his dear younger brother.

"I will tell Heimdall to send down the Bifrost," Thor responded immediately after remembering that he still had a home to save which was currently in danger because of the very actions taken by his spoilt little brother.

"Yes, but before that..." I started to speak while walking towards Loki who was almost on the verge of tears because of the burning pain he was feeling on his face and hands. At least that would be what normal people would see when looking at him. I, on the other hand, could see through his illusion, I could see him trying to generate a thin magical tendril to grab the Gungnir lying on the ground so that he could summon the Bifrost to escape. "I just wanted to say, welcome to Earth." I punched him in the face with a fraction of my strength, immediately knocking him unconscious with what would certainly be a very painful fracture in his neck and skull.

'I hope my evil half-sister is less of a disappointment than my evil half-brother... Well, I'll know soon anyway.'



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