

Lyor leaned to him from behind with gentle caresses, wrapping his wings around him.

"Darling, you ran away from me again... It's useless! I am here… sweet heart, until you get used to me..."

Kire shrugged his shoulders, trying to free himself from the forced embrace.

"Do not hug me in front of everyone. Someone from the street could see us!"

"Are you embarrassed by me? If you get married, what are the problems? Your reputation as a straight man will remain with you."

Lyor settled down next to him, helping to cut off the dry branches from the fruit tree with a magical flame from his fingers.

"I told her that we were in love... Did you hope that she would not find out?"

"And why upset her? Aora will stay with me, no matter how hard you try," - Kire said confidently, slowly scooping up the plant debris into a pile.

"Of course… now she knows that you have money, - the syrinx grinned. - How fast you found a wife, without my consulting!"

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