

Kai Syaoran was not bothered by the escaped divine soul since he expected there to be measures to deal with the problem.

He returned to the Sun Hall and waited for the battles to come to an end. He had undoubtedly gained an easy victory from the Sun Sect. In the Sun Hall, he continued with his meditation. He could hear and sense the chaos raging around him but he did not care.

After an entire day of fighting, the battle came to the expected conclusion.

Thousands of disciples were tied up and gathered in a large hall. Some of the disciples who were deemed to powerful were sent to the dungeons. A few days later, the Valley Lords all gathered in the Sun Hall. All fourteen of the Valley Lords now looked at Kai Syaoran with fear and respect .This was the mixture of emotions Kai Syaoran liked to see in his people. Kai Syaoran did not say anything. He simply continued his meditation as though he did not know that the Valley Lords had gathered.

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