
-||chapter eight - the annual gala||-

"The Crown Prince and the First Princess were really stressed over how far the rumors were spreading. There were people who took these rumors as an opportunity to maliciously attack the Crown Princes and the First Princess. People were doubting their characters, their morality. It worried the Crown Prince more for he feared that his King would make use of this opportunity and drag the innocent First Princess into the hell he rules.

The two decided to eradicate these rumors but who has won the game when fate is the one playing and destiny is the reward."


"I don't know what to say -"

"You had your secretary arrange this video conference call and you don't know what to say even after initiating this communication?" Yi Chen knew he was being a little rude but he had to eliminate any form of connection and communication between him and Lu Zhi to not only protect his own interests but to keep her safe as well.

"I am sorry!" it wasn't an apology, "Please forgive my foolishness, and my annoyance at being involved in recent rumors, and being guilty for dragging you in this mess somehow, and wanting to apologize to you for it." scoffed Lu Zhi.

It was easy for Yi Chen to detect the sarcasm in her tone. After living for so long with his unpredictable father, Yi Chen had grown sensitive to the way how a person speaks and their tone when saying something.

"You shouldn't have wore that damn ring if you were so guilty and annoyed. And did you really wore that outfit because I was wearing the same colors?" he was trying to push her away even when she hasn't come close enough.

"Huh!" she huffed, angry at what Yi Chen was implying, "Oh yeah, definitely! Do you know that I have cameras and people watching you so that I can keep an eye on what you do, who do you meet, and what you wear. I do it because I am so interested in you that I am even letting people think that I am some cheap pretentious woman with no morals who had physical relationships with multiple men and had gotten pregnant out of wedlock!"

"Miss Lu -" Yi Chen was feeling guilty for blaming her for their situation but he had no other choice, he needs to make sure that she stays away from him.

But Lu Zhi, who didn't knew of Yi Chen's intentions got really angry, "And, oh! You know why I wore that ring? It's because I specifically wanted to make people think that we are engaged! I didn't wear the ring that I bought like a month ago just because I wanted to, no, it was meant to trap a jerk like you in all this nonsense!"

"You are taking this too far, Miss Lu. I just don't like people questioning my character." Yi Chen spoke in a stern manner.

"And I do?! I was so wrong about you. My father was so wrong about you."

"Miss Lu -"

Lu Zhi didn't let him and continued her angry rant, "You know what, I too don't want to be associated with a man like. Who knows that you paid that man to spike my drank and then you came to rescue me like a knight in shining armor. I heard that the hotel owner is your best friend, so can I assume that the people who took our photos and created our link-up rumors were also called by you?!"

Facing a similar allegation that he had earlier accused Lu Zhi of, Yi Chen didn't know what to say. He was really apologetic about what he had said and what he had implied but he could not express that in front of Lu Zhi. In his opinion, this was a sure-fire way to sever the ties between them. Lu Zhi should stay far away from a broken man like him who would inadvertently but surely hurt her one day. Like what happened with Xiao Xi.

"What? Why are you silent now?" Lu Zhi's nostrils flared in anger, "It's a good thing that everything is going to end soon. I have my secretary prepare the content for the press release that is scheduled for tomorrow. After that we won't ever be linked in any way."


And Lu Zhi ended the call first.


Ming Ze was sitting on the couch in the family living room surrounded by all of his family member. His parents, his grandparents and even his sister had come with her husband when Mother Lin informed her about Ming Ze finding his one true love. His father, sister and grandfather sat opposite to him, staring at the portrait that he had made of his destined love partner. The three of them were staring at the sketch with such concentration a if trying to decipher who the woman in the picture was.

"Isn't she -" Father Lin began saying but stopped as Grandfather Lin nodded in positive as if he understood what Father Lin was trying to say.

"She definitely is." said Ming Ze's sister agreeing with her father and grandfather.

"Do you really know who she is?" asked Ming Ze, hopeful that he would be able to find his girl soon.

Ming Ze's brother-in-law leaned close to Mother Lin and whispered in her ear, "Do you think that they recognize who this girl is?"

"Along with being able to find their destined partner, the Lin family also has been blessed by lack of artistic skills." Mother Lin whispered back.

"And with that they have the talent to recognize what the other was trying to actually draw." added Grandmother Lin.


"Yes." answered Mother Lin, "If anybody has the chance to find who this girl is from this sketch, it's them."

"Who is she? Do you really recognize her?" asked Ming Ze.

Grandfather Lin had a proud smile on his face when he replied, "It is the younger daughter of Lu family. What was her name again?" he asked his granddaughter.

"Lu Ying." supplied Ming Ze's sister. She then searched for Lu Ying online and found her pictures, "See, it's her right?" she handed the phone to Ming Ze who jumped up happily answering his sister's question.

"It is indeed her!" exclaimed Ming Ze.

His mother, grandmother and brother-in-law came up behind him to look at Lu Ying's picture. The three of them could help but look at Lu Ying's photographs and then back at the portrait that Ming Ze drew. Was this how Ming Ze viewed the beautiful Lu Ying as?

'Nah! It's probably their bad drawing skills!' they decided upon.


Later that night was the annual charity gala organized to raise funds for the medical facilities that provided medical services at a cheaper to no price. Zhang Yi Chen put on his cufflinks and straightened his tie once before walking out of his room. He saw his father and mother standing near the main door of the house, waiting for him. It made Yi Chen frown because Zhang Dong never waited for anybody. His mind immediately thought of Lu Zhi.

Could it be that his father had something planned for him and Lu Zhi? Yi Chen felt a nagging feeling in his heart but shrugged it off because Lu Zhi would not be there at the gala. She never attended events like such and considering their situation, Yi Chen was sure that Lu Zhi would not be there.

But he was proven wrong when he saw Lu Zhi standing a few feet away from him. She was dressed in a lavender blue colored gown that sparkled under the lights. She was wearing minimal make-up, her hair tied in a loosely styled bun and she was wearing an amethyst necklace that he knew was auctioned last year for a very hefty price.

His heart skipped a beat when Lu Zhi's eyes met his. She had caught him staring.

Lu Zhi's mood had soured after her video call with Yi Chen. She hadn't thought that he would accuse her like that when things were equally, if not more, demeaning for her. Noticing her sulking, Lu Ying convinced her to come, attend the gala to cheer her up and to divert her mind off the nonsense she has been facing from the last three days. But so was her fate that she still ended up being in Yi Chen's company.

Both of them were staring at each other from afar unaware of numerous pairs of eyes watching. One such pair belonged to Yi Chen's father. Zhang Dong watched his son and that Lu girl with great interest. For the first time in his life, his stupid son has done something right. He got the Lu girl hooked onto him and this was such a beneficial alliance in Zhang Dong's eyes.

He needed these two to be together and was already planning on having the elder daughter of the Lu's to be married off to his son. As the Lu family only had two girls so their enormous wealth will be distributed among the two daughter. And if this Lu girl enters his family as his son's bride she will bring along all that wealth with her. How profitable this alliance would be was all Zhang Dong could think of.

We are at the 8th chapter! I hope you are enjoying reading the story.

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