

I opened the letter with the Hogwarts logo.


Dear Nicholas Tonks,

After your request to bring more pets to Hogwarts,

I inquired the headmaster and we will follow the process of

similar occurrings.

As I know of your reasons and methods to bring them to Hogwarts,

I simply need you to show them to me withhin 24 hours. 

Different species may have further restrictions. 

Even with that permission you shouldn't bring along a whole zoo.

Till then

Minerva McGonnagal 

Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts



I got permission!

I can introduce her to my kneazles. 

I thought of a new pet, but haven't nearly enough money.

And with some hope, I gain a new one in the following schoolyear.

With the permit and new supplies we got at the weekend, it was already time to say goodbye again.

This year would become a lot livelier as I reckon a pair of redheads will join us this term.

We boarded the train and just before departure a couple of redheads join our compartments.

Charlie brought his brothers with him to Nymphs box as they got closer over the last year and he knows he can't let the two troublemakers run around without supervision. 

He still indroduced them to us, which was hilarious, because they argued who was who.

I really need to find something to distinguish them from the other.

But then he took them next door and I didn't see them till the sorting ceremony. 

I met up with Linda and Eli at my table. Cedric arrived with me, but the two met a few friends from Rawenclaw and stayed with them on the train.

Griffindor got a lot of fresh blood this year as aside from the twins we got Angrlina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Lee Jordan. We got nearly half of the new students, so it makes up for last year.

A group of quidditch fanatics with two future beaters and two chasers as well as the moderator for future games.

We talked a lot with the newbies as I was more comfortable with them than the third-years on my other side, even though our interests didn't match. They were curious about the castle and when they heard even we as upperclassmen couldn't explore it in one year they became more determined to explore as much as they can. 

On the way to the Griffindor common room, Peeves pranked the group with some cream pies, but their reactions differ greatly. The girls looked angry and Lee looked surprised, but the twins looked as if they met their idol and rival at the same time, which is appropriate for the situation.

The stars in their eyes could be seen by the whole group and everyone got goosebumps up their backs.


We had two days till class, but after breakfast I made my way to the Transfiguration classroom as McGonnagal's office is right next to it.

I knock. 

"Come in."

After hearing that, I made my way inside.

"Professor, I came to introduce you to my new pets."

"I thought as much, Mr. Tonks. Then let me see it."

"Them, madam. Like your new proteges, I have a pair of twins."

I say as I let Mani and Asteria out.

"How cute...ähhem I mean it's extraordinary you got two kneazles in that short of a time.", she says while ending with a stern look, but I simply smile as I've heard her first response, that she tried to hide in a cough.

"Would there be further restrictions for them?"

"No, but you should let them exercise regularly like your dog. But as I know your love for animals now to a certain extend, I think you'd do that even if I didn't say that."

I answer with a simple nod.

"They still shouldn't wander around in the castle like every other pet."

"No problem, professor."

And with that my second schoolyear starts.

With a few plans in mind and more to learn, I look ahead.



Hello readers,

We begin the next year, but I have another thing to talk about.

I'm not sure yet of his love interest:

I plan on either Hermione or Fleur.

Hermione would have more of a grow in the relationship 

As Fleur only appears for a year, but Fleur is his age.

It's still a lot of chapters ahead either way,

but please share your opinion in the comments.

Thank you all for your support. 

Next chapter