Galvatron Pov:
It's been a very busy Stellar-Cycle (1 Month) but everything has been going well so far, i mean we had a few mistakes nothing terrible.
Like the Scraplet hive that a Decepticon patrol found near Iacon, and that was a pain in my aft but Drachen surprised everyone he went into the hive and slaughtered every Scraplet by himself.
A group of vehicons and Drachen are standing around the entrance of the underground hive of Scraplets.
Vehicon soldier 1: "Commander Drachen should we call for reinforcements." The vehicon said while fighting the urge to be terrified of the Scraplets.
Drachen signaled for the others to gather around and then he spoke with a voice that inspired confidence and strength.
Drachen: "Soldiers do not be scared for our strength surpasses them for we carry the righteous fury our are glorious Leader." As Drachen's voice resonated with charisma and strength the vehicons were left lost for words.
The vehicon's surrounding Drachen spread out and went back their positions around the underground entrance. But one vehicon stayed behind.
Drachen looked at the entrance and thought of a plan, as he was building a mental image of the plan he noticed a vehicon standing near him, Drachen signalled the soldier to speak.
Vehicon soldier 2: "Sir there's no possibility that we can win against the Scraplet hive underground it's one of the biggest we've ever encountered." The vehicon rubbing his servos together nervously looked upon the imposing figure of Drachen and awaited an answer.
Drachen looked at the soldier and was impressed with this vehicon's intelligence.
Drachen: "What is your name soldier." Drachen asked as a plan began forming in his mind.
The vehicon looks up into Drachen's optics and nervously responds.
Vehicon soldier 2: "My name is Nightburn sir."
Drachen goes through Nightburn's file and is left impressed at what he saw Nightburn is an accomplished soldier that won every battle he was in using his intelligence to analyse the tactics of the enemy and exploit weaknesses be they psychological, strategic, or technological.
But due to his accomplishments being stolen by others he never got promoted, as Drachen gazes at Nightburn he sees potential with some training he could be a great assest to the Decepticons.
Drachen: "Nightburn i plan to go into the hive and systematically destroy the hive as the Scraplets have not been awakened they will be easily destroyed." Drachen's voice oozed confidence.
Nightburn looked at Drachen and was seriously confused with this plan and voiced his objection to this.
Nightburn: "Sir please reconsider this is insane and there is a 99% chance of failure." Nightburn's voice was mixed with disappointment and concern because Drachen was the best commander he ever served and he doesn't want to see him die.
But Drachen ignored him and continued walking into the hive.
A couple of minutes pass but to Nightburn and the rest of the vehicons it feels like an eternity.
Until they hear a loud explosion and sound's of gunfire.
The vehicon's surround the entrance and prime their weapons ready to fire at any moment.
They begin to hear a loud sound of footsteps and a bloody and beaten Drachen emerges from the hive and Drachen stands tall.
Nightburn rushes towards Drachen and helps prop him against a broken piece of metal.
Nightburn: "Sir I'm guessing by your survival that the hive is destroyed and that you won."
Drachen looks at Nightburn and nods in conformation.
Galvatron Pov:
I'm making my way to Shockwave's lab to witness the birth of Predaking Shockwave has upgraded Predaking alot compared to the original time line.
With the increased resources available and synthetic energon Predaking will be over powered and the perfect sparring partner.
As i land at the entrance of Shockwave's laboratory i see Shockwave overlooking the final stages of gestation to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Galvatron: "Shockwave how long until the Predacon is activated and have you added all the adjustments i recommended." My voice echoes within the Laboratory oozing strength and control.
Shockwave stops what he is doing and gestures me to approach.
As i make my way towards Shockwave he speaks.
Shockwave: "Yes sire all adjustments have been added there is no chance of failure and activation is ongoing as we speak." Shockwave's cold calculative voice resonates with a bit of pride as his red optic pulsates with an eerily glow.
I laugh slightly that Shockwave got one over me and wait in silence until the Predacon leaves the gestation tank as I've already discussed with Shockwave after a few preliminary tests i shall be the one to test all of it's capabilities as I'm the strongest person besides Bruticus but everyone besides a skeleton force is gone with Drachen scavenging major cites and battlefields.
And i know that sounds stupid but i dont plan to keep Cybertron the same i plan to tear down everything and rebuild that way no one can sneak by us or win a battle as i will know every nock and crany of this planet.
I'm drawn out of my thoughts as the Predacon breaks free out of the gestation tank and sends shards of material flying across the Laboratory.
The Predacon glances at Shockwave then stares into my crimson optics after a tense stare down.
The Predacon bows it head and pushes it foward and i do what any sane bot would do i stroke it and scratch its neck gently and as i thought it purrs like a big cat.
I turn my head to Shockwave he looks confused.
I guess he didn't expect the adjustments i made the Predacon loyal to me.
As i continue to stroke the Predacon and scratch it, i ask Shockwave a few questions.
Galvatron: "Shockwave you should be proud you have revived a extinct race, and do not be surprised at it's docile nature it knows it's Alpha it tested me and then submitted but i wish to know does this Predacon have a name." My voice a mix of pride, confidence and strength.
Shockwave looks up and just point's to the monitor which had a list of names and the gender and just walks out of the Laboratory.
Okay looking at the list wow that's alot of names i even found some energon sticks wow.
I'm guessing Shockwave just left because he's shocked no pun intended as felt a strong emotion.
I turn to the ginormous creature staring at me and the energon stick and i sigh and thrown two at it and it jumps catches it and falls to the floor denting it scrap that's going to be a pain to fix later oh well I'll leave that to the troops.
Galvatron: "I'm going to call you Predaking for now." My voice echoes throughout the Laboratory and Predaking lifts his head and purrs as i scratch between his metal scales.
Now it's time to train Predaking to be the ultimate sparring cough strongest Predacon ever.
What i didn't anticipate how hard it would be
**The First Attempt**
Galvatron stands sternly, pointing to a target on the horizon, instructing Predaking.
Galvatron: "Predaking, focus! Attack the target!"
Predaking, with a menacing roar, charges towards it. But instead of the target, he lunges at a passing vehicon, tossing it aside like a ragdoll.
Galvatron: "No, Predaking! The target not the expendable cough cough the vehicons."
*Scene 2: The Vehicon ragdoll*
I tried a different approach.
I setup a couple of energon cubes placed at the targets with a couple of vehicons standing near them to drawn Predaking towards the targets and avoid the obstacles in the way.
Galvatron: "Predaking, Get the target not the vehicons!"
Predaking rushes foward but in the process breaks through the obstacles and as Predaking does this he sends the vehicons flying in all directions.
Galvatron: "Primus save me." I mutter exhaustively
*Scene 3: The Energon Tank*
Frustrated with my failures, I take Predaking to a energon tank filled to the brim with the most purified energon we have on base.
Galvatron: "Predaking, you see that energon tank? Bring it to me."
Predaking promptly stomps towards the truck and, instead of getting it he crushes it.
*Scene 4: Energon Balls*
In a final desperate attempt, I take Predaking to an abandoned battle field where with the large open space i plan to play catch with him.
Galvatron: "Predaking, stay focused. Watch the ball!"
Predaking, more interested in the scrap leaps into it and starts playing in it.
Galvatron: "This is NOT how you catch the Ball!"
*Scene 5: First Flight*
I stand looking at Predaking struggling to hover above the ground and i decided to give some motivation.
Galvatron: " Come on Predaking do it and if you do I'll give you a cube of energon."
Predaking looks at me and nods and starts to fly shakily and he starts to fly laps in the sky and Predaking roars in elation.
Galvatron: "Okay come down now gently now you don't want to crash."
As soon as i finished saying that Predaking crashed into the ground and made a ginormous hole in the ground.
Galvatron: "Scrap" I rush down the hole and call a groundbridge to collect us.
*Scene 6: The Moment of Truth*
Exhausted from all the failed attempts, I take a deep breath and face Predaking one more time.
Galvatron: "Predaking, let's try one more time. Attack the target!"
This time, Predaking, with a hint of understanding, launches at the target. He hits it, obliterating it completely.
Galvatron: "Yes! That's it!"
As Predaking lets out a triumphant roar, he suddenly jumps up and starts flying going upwards.
Galvatron "I did it! I finally did it! Thank Primus." I transform into my alt mode and fly alongside Predaking
As i fly alongside Predaking i know at this moment i now have a invaluable ally in the first Predacon in a millennia and the strongest.
So training Predaking was a experience we went through so many drones and a lot of injured vehicons and my personal high grade energon.
And I've got to tell you seeing Predaking fly for the first time was brilliant until he fell and crashed.
A/N (Sorry about not updating life has been hectic and I'm kinda running out of ideas kinda of how to progress the plot and i do apologise about the word count being lower than usual.)
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