
Chapter 479: It Was Agreed Not to Go Easy

Chapter 479

Layla Lowell excitedly rubbed her hands together, leaned in close to the microphone, and yelled, "Layla Lowell!"

Her vivacious voice resounded throughout the bar, and on hearing it, Charles Carrington on the third floor suddenly looked down.

The woman standing in the center of the stage was indeed Layla Lowell.

His eyebrows creased instantly.

What's this kid up to now?

He massaged the space between his eyebrows and summoned someone over.

"Lower her alcohol concentration," he ordered.

His subordinate was taken aback: "But... boss, you just said that nobody should be given special treatment..."

"Is what I say not valid anymore?" Charles Carrington's eyes darkened.

The subordinate didn't dare argue and immediately turned around to relay the orders to someone else, carrying out his task discretely.


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