
Buying Lands

One day, the YoYo Day Care welcomed a customer who had reserved a Trapinch.

Watching the customer play with the Trapinch inside the shop, Yuga fell into deep thought.

It wasn't ideal to have customers and Pokémon playing inside the shop all the time. After all, the YoYo Day Care had limited space, and both customers and young Pokémon might feel constrained here.

Most young Pokémon were lively and loved to move around, and the shop's space was simply insufficient for them to unleash their natural instincts.

With these considerations in mind, Yuga thought it would be best to open a dedicated area where customers and their reserved Pokémon could interact more comfortably, making it easier for them to get to know each other.

The YoYo Day Care had plans for expansion and growth, so having the necessary facilities in place was important.

At the moment, the YoYo Day Care had a limited variety of Pokémon available for sale, and customers came in small groups, so there were no apparent issues.

However, once the Day Care expanded its selection of Pokémon available for sale, and customers started arriving in larger numbers, the shop's current space would undoubtedly be insufficient.

With this in mind, Yuga contacted Mayor Ishida and conveyed his desire to purchase a piece of land.

In the Pokémon world, citizens had certain rights to buy land, which was quite different from Yuga's previous life.

Unclaimed land here belonged to the League, but one could apply to purchase land from the League for a fee. This purchase could include not only land usage rights but also land ownership.

Of course, it was also possible to purchase only the usage rights to the land. After the usage rights expired, the land would automatically return to the League.

Compared to purchasing land ownership, the process was much more complex, involving various approvals and procedures, along with various restrictions on the buyer's identity.

After all, even though the Pokémon world had vast, sparsely populated areas, land couldn't be bought and sold recklessly. Strict review systems were necessary.

Moreover, once ownership of land is acquired, it can be inherited by everyone's next generation, but the owners and their descendants are not allowed to buy and sell the land they own at will.

Overall, land in the Pokémon world can be bought and sold, but its complexity should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, Yuga didn't have to deal with all those complicated issues.

Due to his status as a Gym Leader and the title of a Senior Trainer, he could easily purchase a significant amount of land through his privileges.

Thanks to Yuga's help, Mayor Ishida had received high praise for his performance this year. As a result, he efficiently processed Yuga's land purchase application in less than three days.

The land Yuga bought was the abandoned factory area very close to the YoYo Day Care, which was the same area where Akihito and the others had lived before.

Yuga was quite wealthy now, so he bought the entire area, including the abandoned factories and residences.

Those abandoned factories and homes had been sitting idle for years. However, Verdanturf Town had historically struggled with development, and its finances were tight, so the area remained undeveloped.

Mayor Ishida was delighted that Yuga was willing to take on this significant responsibility. Regardless of what Yuga intended to do with it, it was better than leaving the area to deteriorate, negatively affecting the town's appearance and reputation.

It was also because of this reason that the land's price was much lower than what Yuga had expected.

The reason Yuga chose this location was not only because of its size but also because of the abandoned factories and residences.

He intended to create a place where young Pokémon could play freely. Those abandoned factories and homes could be repurposed with a little modification into a paradise for young Pokémon to play in, saving construction costs. Why not make good use of them?

As soon as he received the land ownership certificate, Yuga contacted a construction team.

The construction team Yuga contacted was the same one that had built the Ecopark. The head of the team was Kurosawa Daichi, a friend of Yuga's uncle.

Kurosawa Daichi was a straightforward and efficient person, so Yuga was quite satisfied with their construction team.

This time, building a Pokémon Paradise was quite a significant project, and Kurosawa Daichi was pleased to have received such a large job.

One morning, Kurosawa Daichi came to the YoYo Day Care to discuss the details of constructing the Pokémon Paradise with Yuga.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kurosawa," Yuga greeted Kurosawa Daichi with a smile and welcomed him into the shop, leading him to a meeting room.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to turn your family's Day Care into such a thriving business in such a short time, and even become a Gym Leader," Kurosawa Daichi couldn't help but feel amazed upon seeing Yuga again.

As the only Day Care in Verdanturf Town, Kurosawa Daichi had known about its existence for a long time, and he was well aware of its business situation.

Initially, when Yuga's parents passed away and Yuga wanted to build an Ecopark, Kurosawa Daichi wasn't optimistic about Yuga's prospects.

In his view, the business model of YoYo Day Care at the time, combined with the massive maintenance costs of building an Ecopark, would not lead to a turnaround for the Day Care but would rather drag it down.

However, reality had proven him wrong.

Now, with Yuga planning to build a Pokémon Paradise, Kurosawa Daichi was once again unable to comprehend it. He couldn't understand why a Pokémon Day Care would want to construct a Pokémon Paradise. Just looking at the size of the land, it would cost a lot of money to build.

But what he didn't know was that YoYo Day Care had a different business model compared to other Day Cares. Other places didn't have the requirement for customers to spend time with their reserved Pokémon before taking them home.

Constructing a reasonably large Pokémon Paradise was indeed expensive, but Yuga didn't mind. He had plenty of money now, and he believed that such expenses should be invested in something useful rather than left unused. In Yuga's view, the Pokémon Paradise would make the unique business model of YoYo Day Care even more rational.

Yuga had considered starting small with the Pokémon Paradise, but upon further thought, he realized that he had enough money. So, why not get everything done at once?

"Please, have a seat," Yuga said to Kurosawa Daichi and then unfolded a simple topographical map that he had drawn himself.

The map depicted the shape of the land he had purchased, including the abandoned factories and old residences in the area, all of which he had marked.

After spreading out the map, Yuga began, "Let me share my ideas with you."

Kurosawa Daichi nodded, "Go ahead."

"We'll start by fencing off this area, and then I'd like you to construct two roads—one leading to our Day Care and the other to my Gym."

YoYo Day Care and Verdanturf Gym were adjacent to each other, and the land Yuga purchased was situated directly north of both establishments, forming a "品" shaped layout with the Pokémon Day Care and Gym.

However, that area was currently quite barren, so Yuga wanted to build two roads to connect the three locations. Since they were all relatively close and under Yuga's jurisdiction, he could make these decisions freely.

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