

Yuga realized that before him wasn't just a corpse; there was also a unique creature composed of spirits and specters, a special Dusknoir.

Yuga attempted to assess Muya's condition with his Insight Ability.



Type: Ghost

Ability: Pressure

Gender: Female

Potential: ...

Level: ...

Skills: Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Leer, Night Shade, Disable, Foresight, Pursuit, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Shadow Ball, Power-Up Punch, Shadow Sneak, Rock Tomb, Focus Blast, Ominous Wind, Trick Room, Destiny Bond, Ability Swap.


Even his Insight ability had moments when it wasn't effective. This unique Dusknoir not only had indistinguishable potential and levels, but its range of skills was staggering, surpassing even some Elite Pokémon.

Muya grew somewhat annoyed as she noticed Yuga continuously fixated on her other form.

"What are you looking at? You haven't answered my question!" she exclaimed.

Yuga shivered and, snapping back to attention, replied, "What else could it be? It likes you. It doesn't want you to do wicked things or die, so it had to do that!"

"But... but... I didn't want it to do that, and I didn't want it to die either!"

Yuga suddenly felt that Muya's voice choked with emotion, but when he looked again, it seemed like his imagination.

"But what's the point of it doing that? It's dead, Cecilia is dead, and what am I now?"

Muya gazed at the bright moon in the sky, her voice wooden as she asked.

Yuga suddenly felt like this person... or rather, this Dusknoir, was somewhat similar to his situation.

Though he lacked his original owner soul, he retained its memories, and his personality had been influenced by the original owner.

The difference was that he had never pondered whether he was still the original Yuga, the past Qixu, or had transformed into someone new.

He felt such thoughts were meaningless; why bother seeking trouble? Living in the present was the truth.

"Why do you think this way? Cecilia and Muya are both alive and well. You're lively and kicking right now; that's evidence enough!" Yuga replied.

After hearing Yuga's words, Muya stared at him for a long time before turning away.

"Why did you suddenly think of telling me all this?" Yuga asked. "It's New Year's, and while it satisfied my curiosity, it feels a bit bleak."

They didn't have much of a connection, and to be precise, he had an unpleasant history with Cecilia.

Yuga shivered secretly.

"Perhaps it's because you're the only person in this world who still has a connection with me," Muya softly replied.

"What did you say?"

Yuga didn't catch Muya's words clearly and asked again, but Muya remained silent, gazing at the sky.

So, Yuga sat on the rooftop, chatting with Muya for a long time, and then... (.-ω-)zzz

When Yuga opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in his own room, and it was already the next morning.

Wait, didn't he chat with Muya on the rooftop last night? What's going on now?

One thing did make Yuga happy, though. After learning about Muya's true identity, he no longer had to worry about her causing trouble.

During their conversation last night, Muya had promised not to bother him until she dealt with the matters in her hands. She also assured him that she wouldn't casually drain the life energy of humans for a while.

The life energy she had absorbed from a few people and Pokémon earlier was enough to sustain her for a long time.

Of course, if someone actively sought trouble with her, that was a different story. Yuga couldn't control that; after all, they brought it upon themselves.

Shortly after getting up, Yuga couldn't help but sneeze several times.

It seemed that he caught a cold from being out in the cold for too long last night.

After having breakfast, Yuga began to receive New Year's greetings from his friends, including Robert, Reggie, Flint, Volkner, and others. Even Steven and Wallace sent him text messages.

After exchanging greetings with his friends, Yuga made phone calls to several elders who had helped him significantly: Grandpa Milton in Johto, Grandfather Reggie from the Sinnoh region, Mr. Moore, Mr. Norman, Director Mond, and Mr. Kuni'o.

These elders had all been of great assistance to Yuga, and he couldn't let the New Year pass without expressing his gratitude.

However, Mr. Kuni'o didn't personally answer Yuga's call; it was answered by Ryuichi instead.

"Oh, Mr. Shimizu, it's been a while! How have you been?" Ryuichi's voice carried a warm tone, delighted that Yuga had called.

Yuga smiled and asked, "I've been well. How about you and Mr. Kuni'o?"

"We're both doing wonderfully! By the way, ever since you left, Bellossom has been missing you like crazy!"

As Ryuichi spoke, Yuga heard a wail from the other end of the line.

Apparently, as soon as Ryuichi had mentioned Yuga, Bellossom appeared behind him. Seeing him making fun of her, she immediately launched Petal Blizzard, then snatched the phone from Ryuichi's hand.

"Bellossom, Bellossom!" Yuga recognized Bellossom's voice immediately.

"Happy New Year, Bellossom!" Yuga was thrilled to hear Bellossom's voice.

"Bellossom, Bellossom!" Bellossom was equally delighted to talk to Yuga.

And so, they chatted for a while, even though they couldn't understand each other's language. Yuga shared amusing stories with Bellossom, who seemed thoroughly entertained, completely ignoring Ryuichi beside her.

After checking in with everyone he needed to, Yuga headed to the Ecopark.

He hadn't attended the Pokémon party there last night, so he wasn't sure what to expect.

Thankfully, when he entered the Grassland Sub-Ecopark, he found the situation much better than he had anticipated.

Most of the rubbish from last night's festivities had been cleaned up by the diligent Pokémon, including Audino, Wigglytuff, and Miltank, among others.

However, even so, the grassland was still a mess, with Pokémon sprawled in all directions after the wild celebration.

Members of the Gligar clan, Flygon clan, Clawitzer clan, Melotic, Gyarados, and various Pokémon from the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark were all present.

Of course, such a scene would not be complete without Snorlax, the food-loving Pokémon.

As a New Year's gift, the Combee had brought some sweet honey to satisfy Snorlax's cravings.

The first Pokémon to notice Yuga's arrival was the Persian. It lay lazily on the ground, lifted its head to glance at Yuga, and then went back to dozing.

Next chapter