
Chapter 65

At this point, she put her hands to her hips and looked off into the heavens in a rather dramatic pose,

"...is the Room of Requirement!"

And a beautiful sunset and beach scene appeared behind her, complete with sound effects, waves and a seagull.

Harry's jaw dropped. And then he fainted. Curiously enough (at least in Hermione's point of view) he was muttering about genjutsu and ...springtime of youth?


Shortly afterwards...

Harry Potter was in heaven. This room really was awesome. Hermione, at this stage had moved on to what Harry had wanted. So to fully help his choice, she had commanded the room into a hall the size of the great hall and was chock full of weapons.

Well, swords actually. All sorts of blades, from bronze age era weapons to more modern blades that were still used on a real battlefield by people who stayed alive.

That was of course, one of the particulars about swords.

Harry wanted a blade for war. Most swords today were made for peace and were wall hangers.

Ever since the firearm was invented, there was a steady decline in bladed weaponry. With the advent of repeated fire and easier reloads, the sword fell out of favor as an indispensable battlefield weapon, just like every other bladed weapon around. Nowadays, the only blades you found in the standard military was ceremonial. Not very useful except for eye candy.

In any case, seeing as he was aiming for swords,spears, halberds and the like were out. They didn't have the least bit of the versatility of the sword. Harry had tried them, purely for academic reasons and was quite disgruntled with the wrongness of it all. He also resolved to read up on how to use them more effectively should it be necessary. They were too unwieldy for his purposes though. And a spear does not an assassin make.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, knives daggers and spiked weapons were too limited for 'general' use. Small knives made for a good addition to his close range arsenal. Not a true knife fighting weapon, but excellent for deception and misdirection, assassination material at its best as far as he was concerned. And small blades, of good quality were extremely resilient.

Between the two were where the majority of laded weapons lay. Really exotic weapons(including a whole set of rather fantasy style blades) were also discarded.

Katars, chakrams and the like did not appeal to him. The extremely rare whip sword, the Urmi was an even worse suggestion for him. Merely getting it off the floor without cutting himself to strips would be a nightmare. How Hermione did it instinctively was beyond him. Not that she was a master, and she did get plenty 'scrapes' where an edge that got too close took a bit of 'skin' off.

A lot of blades were simply too large and lost their effectiveness if scaled down. In this category lay the cleaver style swords, that depended on sheer mass to bring down its target. They were large unwieldy and would have given the seven swordsman wet dreams. Though there did seem to be an example that was the kubikiri hocho brought to life. Unfortunately, it was unlikely he would be able to use the steer intimidation factor associated with such a blade any time soon. Or wield a blade of that size effectively at the speeds he was used to and wanted to exceed.

Extremely long swords, like the nodachi or the really long two handed swords like the Zweihänder were also given the ax. As were the many varieties of axes by the way...

By this point, the walls were now removed from everything except a range of swords in the two to four feet range.

"Curved blades or straight ones?"

Hermione asked, sitting on a luxurious chair while Harry kept looking over everything,

"What do you think?"

"Well, curved ones slash better and straight ones stab better!"

Sarcasm was truly lost to her. Harry's eyebrows twitched but he didn't bother to respond. He took hold of a curved blade that he might have recognized better if he hadn't spent his youth genjutsu-ing everyone and actually spent his hard won freedom watching television.

"What do you call this?"

He did trust that Hermione would help him with this. She was quite happy to find her entertainment in helping him. She said life was more interesting that way.

"That's a cutlass. Pretty famous from pirate movies, usually used by the brawny and hairy..."

Harry vanished that blade instantly. He also dismissed a number of curved blades that he disliked for sheer similarity. He was not a pirate! Consequently, quite a few sorts of broad slashing type blades disappeared. Ancient looking vicious swords and swords that clearly belonged to a fantasy setting all disappeared.

He examined a saber rather curiously, giving it a few practice swings and stabs and then tilted his head in confusion. It was not that he didn't like it it. But it was still too curved. He liked Japanese blades, with their more natural(to him at least) shallow curves. And he didn't see himself stabbing anyone anytime soon with a saber anytime soon anyway. Sabers were hit and run cavalry swords as far as he knew. And despite his best efforts, he did not see himself using them at all. So vanished more swords.

By now, what were left were mainly straight or nearly straight swords. He dismissed the curved Japanese blades after a seconds thought as well. There was no need for them - he had done enough study on them ages ago. What he wanted was a blade that would complement his use of wind chakra.

All the blades by now were more or less straight. Everything from the gladius issued to roman infantry, to the eastern straight swords and the infinite seeming varieties of rapiers. Really, he was spoiled for choice. There were more swords than he or even the book knew existed...even if the variations were mostly aesthetic.

It was at this point he realized why his subconscious had been sending him towards straight blades. He was a wind nature ninjutsu expert. Any sword he wielded could automatically be converted to cutting blades. Hell, he could get a lightsaber like cutting effect from a twig of wood if he wanted! Too bad he couldn't make a real lightsaber with all the fancy magic around here...



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