
Chapter 61

"Indeed. A fine shinobi for his age."

"Indeed. And our person of interest?"

"Our English friend is strong."

He paused.

"And apparently very much random."

Hayate sipped his tea thoughtfully. Chiyo was unusually wary of actually discussing whatever she had summoned him for. She was asking about the past and the present. And not a peep about the future. He mentally braced himself. Before he could say anything though, Chiyo continued.

"My visions are not clear yet. There is a sense of foreboding in the air. A demon has risen, one which may seek the doom of all. The future is not sure, but battle is inevitable. Should this demon be awakened, there will be none left to write our tales. What has risen is possibly a scourge of all life itself."

Hayate calmly sipped his tea. It simply would not do to run around like headless chickens every time Chiyo announced the coming of the apocalypse. Obviously measures would have to be taken. It looked like another reason for starting an operation in England had just appeared. At least, with a stable base of operations, it wouldn't be a total nightmare. He would just try for more info for now.

"What else did you see my lady?"

Chiyo's shrunken face took on a visage of raw terror. It was frankly disturbing.

"A blood red fox, with nine tails. It cleaved mountains and raised tsunamis with mere flicks of its tails. An unkillable beast, whose evil drowns out any and all human malice. An being of such evil that man was not meant to gaze upon that terrible visage..."

She shook her head and continued.

"I also saw two children. A black haired boy with a grimace, a brown haired girl with childish innocence. I cannot say what bearing these two will have, but I believe they are crucial to the demons plans, whatever they are. The boy in particular, I saw him swallowed by the beast in a flash of lightning. He is a nexus. Hitsuzen surrounds the boy like so much rain in a storm."

"What about the demon? What are our options?"

"There is no help for it. A full containment team will be necessary. I recommend that you pick those who are...unattached."

Apocalypse indeed. The idea that they would need an entire cell of high level specialized containment sorcerers was unthinkable. And then to say that it was a suicide mission was somewhere beyond unthinkable. Exactly what was this demon?

"If you are wondering why all this is necessary, I would suggest you look up the berserker incident of 1218, in the greater forbidden archives of Edo. It should prove most enlightening"

"I will."

There was not much to be said to that. He only had a vague idea of what that particular event involved but it did not sound good.


The end of November however seemed to bring new dimension to the personality of Hermione Granger. She became, for want of a better term, saner.

It wasn't that obvious for the most part. Most of the people who saw her daily had been ignoring her from nearly day one and consequently didn't even realize that she had been acting weirdly for a while now. And Harry, who actually had an inkling of the insanity behind the beast(?) was quite surprised when he realized that Hermione was actually rational for his every encounter with her on that day. He didn't know if this was here to stay and did not speak of it one way or another. He did pray to to Kami sama a lot. Just the fact that Hermione Granger did not wave that colt around was the biggest relief he could have imagined.


Hermione Granger was in fact, becoming (drum roll please!) sane.

Well, saner at the very least. Her long suppressed "self" was finally coming to the fore after having spent quite the while hibernating.

A scientist would have been fascinated by what was happening. In essence, she was undergoing a process of mental metamorphosis. The original "human mind" she had was quite restrictive. It had human thoughts, human emotions, human reflexes, human reactions. But most of all, it had human limitations. In other words, putting her directly in charge of the body of the formidable being (or abomination, depending on your perspective) of a chaos creature was the equivalent of putting Homer Simpson in charge of every nuclear weapon in the United States strategic defense arsenal. In other words, it would have been one "D'oh!" away from disaster.

So, a proto mind was formed, one that had the memories of Hermione Granger, had the (former) body of Hermione Granger, and in general tasked with being Hermione Granger until the real Hermione Granger woke up.

Unfortunately, the designers were just a bit disconnected from humanity. So, the proto mind unfortunately reflected their inexperience in human thinking. It was quite reflective of the randomness its creators were always in the midst of and followed no sense of order outside of its actual classroom times.

Of course, the proto mind was also the same one that was responsible for what was the equivalent of sleep hypnotizing Hermione into a functioning member of "society" whichever one her new species belonged to anyway. So, while not all that sane from the human perspective, she would still retain her human personality. Hermione would at least be recognizable to whoever knew her well enough before the whole mess at Hogwarts, namely her parents. Somewhat. But hey, school changes people right? Especially thousand year old magical schools?



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