
Chapter 39

Sprout watched the quickly disappearing figure of first year with a bewildered gaze. Well, at least she now had an example of a true hardworking 'puff, determined not to let himself be caught by 'the lethargy of first year' as her colleagues sometimes called it. She had high hopes this one was a point winner.

"Hmm, must not take compliments well..."

Above, a clone walked upside down on the ceiling in measured steps, looking at the happenings that were overhead (for him), with a raised eyebrow. For some strange reason, he was not surprised by the nonsensical insanity that had just occured. Certainly, it was odd behaviour, for a highly trained assassin. Maybe it was stress? He was young after all and everything said and done, Harry had done infiltration many many times(and quite proud of it), even if his missions could be as ordinary as learning to dance or bar tending, via shadow clones of course. Certainly, he had learnt most of his day to day skills by observation and signing up for classes, in various guises. It was amazing the things you could learn if you took the effort. Though, he hadn't managed to find an acupuncture specialist, so no mystical Haku-esque abilities. And he was so looking forward to the whole near-death-state-via-needles-in-the-neck trick too...

Due to his missions, Harry had amassed a considerable amount of hands on experience in a lot of odd jobs in the Surrey area. He would never have trouble living as a muggle again. And he probably had a head start on Potions and Herbology, the former of which might as well have been named "Ritualized cooking with magical ingredients!", while the latter was Advanced Gardening/Botany!...somewhat. Really, it was amazing how his so called ordinary skills would help him in his understanding and practice of this new power they called "magic", which at this point was becoming less magical even as the minutes ticked by...

Harry had long figured out that his chakra was somehow originated from magic. Certainly, they were not the same. He was extremely thankful his wand had not exploded when he channelled chakra through it. Though, the really bright orange yellow glow, reminiscent of a lightsaber, had weaned him away from further experiments, at least for now. Perhaps he could borrow one from a sufficiently malicious soul? At any rate, his chakra had sprung from magic, yet they were not interchangeable. They coexisted and that was that. However, this also meant that he could use the two in relatively close proximity(or devices/seals using the two) without interference or catastrophic failure/explosions. The possibilities were endless! Of course, research was required, but still. Imagine the potential that magic and fuinjutsu together had! He could make an X-Wing! Or a Millennium Falcon! Granted, he had no idea how he would go about this, or even how he might achieve the power for all of this...but...but...still, the sheer potential!

The clone shook of his thoughts before he veered off and ended up with chronic megalomania. He dispelled, letting his memories drift back to his creator. Elsewhere in the castle, other clones were also dispersing after establishing maps of the castle, or at least basic ones. He wouldn't get lost at the very least and knew several escape routes to boot. He didn't want to get too familiar or assured of his data. A magical school was bound to have quirks in space time, quirks that he could not chart. The thousand year old castle was doubtless filled with pitfalls even for the experienced campaigner. And he still had the inevitable secret passages to discover.

So Harry did the most Gryffindor thing(in his mind) that he would ever considering doing in his life. He decided to take it as it came. This was of course despite his concrete belief in the headmaster's nefarious plots concerning him, his fear of assassination(however unlikely) by the revenge seekers loyal to the latest dark lord, his surety that he was being watched by friend and foe alike, and his extreme desire to avoid fangirls. Oh and were there fangirls! They screamed it at him in his "public" appearance on the train. And he definitely did not want to imagine how the Harry-Potter-Dolls™ had been treated before they were shoved in his face, to be autographed. He was somewhat thankful his clone had hinted at aloofness. It was a bit amusing to see them regain control after a while, even if they were less likely to avoid stalking him now. That was alright, he was training himself in the art of disappearing for a while now. Harry Potter, defeater of dark lord, self trained ninja, afraid of rabid stalkers...he could see the headline now. And despite how normal Little Whining seemed, stalkers were just as common there as anywhere else.


The great hall eventually filled up, slowly of course. The various years and houses were entering at a crawl, shaking of sleep and clearly lamenting the loss of sleep and the inevitable torture of learning. It was refreshingly normal. That was not to say that harry was in any shape or form condoning the act of being normal. The Dursleys had cured him of that. But there was a certain relief that even in the midst of an armed society, where eleven year olds had access to tools and abilities that could literally reshape the world around them (conveniently ignoring his own half hearted hypocrisy in the matter) the normal "humanity" he supposed, of everyone was still intact. There were no impossible to bridge differences that could only be explained away because of magic meddling with man. In a way, he was perfectly assured of the fact that he was only slightly more odd than than the average wizard/witch.

There was no grand announcement of sorts. That had been taken care of yesterday. Today, and more specifically right now, was a time of peace, without the burden of listening to the wisdom of the really really old. Harry therefore took the time to stare at each of the teachers at the head table in turn, subtly of course. It was curious to observe the various teachers in their interactions. As far as he was concerned, the only person who had any real claim to be his teacher was Richards who had shaped him into a who he was as a person, even if he did not even know of his students abilities and tendencies. And even if he told himself that he shouldn't judge, he had an extremely troubling conviction that not only were these teachers a fraction of the person that was sensei, that some of these teachers would barely be troubled to teach, at all. The the potions professor, Snape, as his wandering clones had managed to find out, was even glaring at him in a single minded if-looks-could-kill manner, with a loathing that would not look out of place on Orochimaru. It was frankly quite disturbing.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, the headmaster was beaming at him (not to mention those god awful twinkling eyes that gave him a headache just looking at it), and several others but mainly him. It was perhaps even more disturbing than the glare of Snape himself. The rumours of the old mans madness did not reduce the feeling that the bearded man was peering at him as one might a chess piece. Harry resolutely turned to stare at Snape, after all, hate was something he could manage. He had done so with the Durselys for years.

Breakfast also proved one thing. Magic was remarkably efficient at keeping people thin. How else could these people shovel enough oil and fat down their throats to carry the muggle economy through the next fifty years...without reaching supertanker proportions? It meant that magic was passively assisting in keeping the body healthy, which while mostly a good thing also probably meant that any problems in magic would drastically affect the body. He would probably have to keep an eye out for the various methods by which this could be achieved. There just had to be a medical facility somewhere around here, especially if magic was as treacherous to the inexperienced and the maker of mistakes as he thought it would be. Seriously, chakra could sometimes do all sorts of weird stuff at first when he was first foraying into genjutsu. And that is to say nothing of fuinjutsu, those terribly beautiful, terribly unforgiving seals...



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