
Trapped by love

(Eric's perspective)


My weakness was gone forever as I turned to face the girl in my arms. I ought to be happy, yet the only emotion I was experiencing was loss. Her lifeless body dangled in my arms, her exquisite neck covered with blood.

I said "Sarah," feeling anguish in my chest. Ethan or I, who was feeling depressed? I entered my house after teleporting back there. Before stopping, the guards raced at me. They were all weeping for the girl whom we all loved, and I could see it on their faces. Even the most evil individuals adored her because of how good she was. I set her down on the couch while examining my blood-stained hands. She would be held accountable for the blood she spilled. "Bring Leo!"

One of the guards said, "But sir," which made me glare.

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