
The Arrival of the Navy SEALs in the Philippines

Reynolds was jolted awake by the roar of engines, a sound that was both familiar and imposing. Through the small window of the Greyhound, he caught sight of two fighter aircraft escorting them, their sleek forms cutting through the sky with ease. One, unmistakably an F-35, matched their speed on the right.

"Unidentified flight, this is Lightning 0-1, you are entering Blackwatch airspace," came a crisp voice over the comms, authoritative and clear. The call sign 'Lightning 0-1' referred to the F-35 on their right, a call sign that Reynolds recognized as part of the escort protocol.

"Pilgrim 1-1 to Lightning 0-1, we read you loud and clear. We're the Greyhound, carrying Navy Seals for the joint operation. Awaiting instructions," the Greyhound's pilot responded.

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