
Soldier Transfer and Currency Question

When the two were finally out of the shower, it was still eight o'clock in the morning.

Much to Xiaoyun's disappointment, he was forced to end it early after Leyan was completely exhausted.

"Babe, why are you cooking the breakfast today?" Yuqi curiously asked as she walked into the kitchen with Lianrong.

"Leyan is still a little sleepy today," Xiaoyun responded as she sat down by the table.

"Yeah, just a 'little sleepy.' Totally not because someone decided to force her to get up."

Xiaoyun didn't flinch a single bit a little as he carried the bowl of noodles to the table before sitting down himself.

"You jealous?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Really? When did you become so greasy like this?" Yuqi questioned as she began eating the noodles.

"Me? Greasy? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind."

As Xiaoyun got back up to get himself a bow of noodles, other girls began to come out of their rooms as well.

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