"That's good to hear... Speaking of the elder, do you know how I can meet him?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.
"Um... The only way to meet him is every Tuesday. He gives out extra food and supplies for people that need it."
"Really? He's that nice of a person?"
"Yes... But his son is the opposite. And he always protects his son no matter what." The man murmured as his face darkened, having flashbacks of the past.
"Hm... Okay. One last thing before I go, do you know how armed each station is?"
The man thought for a second, then took out a map of the metro lines from the back.
"Most stations have at least five to ten people armed with pistols. But as you go towards the city center, they are almost armed to the brim."
"How armed do you mean by that?"
"Riot gears, rifles, and even explosive and running metro lines... But I heard that a few of the stations towards the center have been infighting a lot among each other over resources."