"Mom's side first!" Yuqi, Yueyue, and Nami all raised their hand at the same time.
With only Kate being more interested in Xiaoyun's side, everyone else was abstaining.
"Then let's watch Leyan's perspective... Unless Leyan, do you have anything to say about it?"
"No, no, it's fine." Leyan didn't mind it as much.
Xiaoyun clicked on Nami's computer a few times, and the video was unpaused.
The camera instantly flipped to Leyan's perspective as Justin and Mrs.Heckler stood before her.
"Well, it looks like Xiaoyun is off to more business talk. I must get going now as well... Lina, can you stay with Mrs?"
"Mrs.Li. You can just call me Leyan."
"Very well, Mrs.Leyan, please take care of Lina."
Justin blends into the crowd as the two stand in place.
"Um, Mrs——"
"You can just call me Lina... Do you really have three kids already?" Lina asked curiously in English.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: