
Chapter 162: Tianci's trial

It was now the second half of the court cases as the sun was started to drop down in the horizon.

All the previous juror had left, replaced with new juror to voice their opinion in the cases.

Xiaoyun still sitting his seat watching in silent, not spoken a single time or voted in either side.

The next few cases went similarly to the start, but instead of the insurgent or scientist, it was people from Yueyue's case.

The sentences went as expected, with the warehouse worker only getting a small community service, meanwhile Pingzi who was the head of operation that caused a death was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

After two hour of non-stop sentencing and switching out two more group of jurors, it was finally to the last two cases.

The first one was the senior scientist who participated in experimenting over five hundred soldiers, and one hundred of the cases was his own request to test on human subjects.

Next chapter