Soon, Leyan was reaching her limit as Xiaoyun started moving alongside Leyan as she continuously ride on his cock.
"Babe, you need to be quieter okay? The babies are still sleeping downstairs." Xiaoyun reminded Leyan.
"I-I can't h-hold it." Leyan barely could make a comprehensible sentence as she continue to moan into Xiaoyun's ear.
Xiaoyun suddenly started kissing Leyan to stop her from moaning being heard.
"Leyan's moaning sound is so lewd..." Wuli commented as the Leyan mouth was finally blocked off.
"Yeah... d-does she not get embarrassed from it?" Shuli curiously asked.
"Why would she be embarrassed about it? I-It's just something we can't control... Beside, it turns him on even more." Yueyue replied back.
"Oh right I should remind you two, everything that happen on the bed stay on the bed okay?" Yuqi warned the two.
"O-Of course. W-We will never t-tell this to a-anyone else." Both of them immediately replied at the same time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: