When the zombies were could see the soldiers on the wall, it started running instead of walking.
Soon the zombies were within firing range.
"Don't fire yet, wait for them to get a little closer." Yiming issued a command.
After a short moment, Yiming signaled the rifler to tap fire.
All the soldier firing a single round at a time to zombie horde.
Every bullet can be seen going through multiple zombies as the zombies are just so crowded together, even crushing the part of the forest that was suppose to block them.
"MG-42, get ready!" Yiming spoke through the walkies talkie instead as the gun firing sound made it hard to hear.
The zombies were almost within hundred steps to the wall.
"Open Fire! Free Fire!" Yiming ordered.
The MG-42 mounted to the wall started firing on the zombies crowd, almost effectively wiping an several lines of zombies before they could approach.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: