
Chapter 110: Training incident

When the two woke up and walked out of the bedroom, Xiaoyun was still sleeping on the couch.

"Should we wake him up?" Wuli asked Shuli.

"Not yet... let's use the restroom first."

After the two finish using the restroom, Xiaoyun was still asleep.

This time Wuli walked up to the couch and pushed Xiaoyun a little.

"Hey wake up, it's morning now."

"Hm? Oh right." Xiaoyun got up from the couch as he saw the time was already eight o'clock.

"Let me go clean up myself and I'll go cook breakfast later." Xiaoyun took out his hygiene item out of his suitcase and went to the restroom.

After ten minute, Xiaoyun has taken a shower and brushed his teeth.

But he awkwardly stood inside the restroom with his head out.

"Can you guys g-get my cloths? I forgot to brought them in, a-and my towel too." Xiaoyun embarrassingly asked.

"O-Okay." The two got up from the chair and walked to the suitcase to take out his cloths.

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