
Chapter 108: Qijing town

"What are you guys talking about?" Xiaoyun looked curious at the four staying silent as he put breakfast down on the table.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Honey can you go wake up Lily?" Leyan asked.

"Sure, I'll go now." Xiaoyun left the kitchen and went upstairs.

As Xiaoyun approached Nami's room, or Lily's room as she no longer sleep in it, he knocked on the door.

"Lily, breakfast is ready."

No response from Lily as it stays completely silent.

Xiaoyun turned the door nob only to find it unlocked.

Lily was still asleep on the bed, with no sign of waking up.

"Wake up Lily, you still have school today." Xiaoyun shake Lily's shoulder a little.

"Hm? J-Just give me few more minute... y-you guys were so loud last night. I-I couldn't' sleep at all." Lily mumbled as she fell back asleep.


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