When sunlight shines through the window, Xiaoyun woke up first.
Xiaoyun went to go take a shower to freshen himself up, then went back to his room to get his office uniform.
After that, Xiaoyun went downstairs to go cook breakfast.
When Xiaoyun had finish cooking breakfast, Nami had walked downstairs as well.
The two started eating breakfast in silent as if both are still a little embarrassed from what happened last night.
"A-Are your legs okay?" Xiaoyun finally decided to speak up.
"I-Its hurts a little to walk... I think it might be a little swollen down there." Nami replied back as she finished eating the breakfast.
"You can rest if you want, I can go to the office today." Xiaoyun suggested.
"It's fine, I can still walk." Nami rejected the suggestion.
"Okay." Xiaoyun had finished eating as well now.
"Let's go to work now." The two both left the house to the office in silent.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: