
How long has it been?

"It has everything with being who I am." Ian started,

"You mean that you caused it?"

"I'm sorry,"

He said, releasing her from the hug, looking and feeling very apologetic. He got back on his chair but still held onto her.

"Why would you do that?! I- I don't even understand what you did to me for me to experience something as awful as that. What would I have done if you were not here? Would I have starved?"

"I can't help it, and it's just who I am…" his helplessness was obvious, but it did not mean that it made her feel any better.

"OK, Ian, can you explain it to me so that I can better understand whatever it is that you did?"

"Actually, it's good you brought it up. Let me tell you some peculiarities and what to be wary of us Faes. Since you are life-time bound to one, this may be important information."

"I'm all ears!"

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