
Changes (3)

The next day dawned bright and clear but was nothing like Shelby's mood. She felt low and had no will to get up. 

'I don't know why I am putting up with this. Why can't I grow a backbone in all this?' However, despite her thoughts, she pulled out her phone and typed: 'How to live with your husband…'

"What a ridiculous thing to search for?"

She said to herself and flung the phone away only to pick it up immediately. This time, she searched: 'How to stay married…. How to get your husband to. Like you.

Her resolve weakened, and her mood dipped further as Shelby flicked through the different pages and web forums. After reading a few absurd comments and blogs, she reviewed a handful of the saner ones. She read out,

'Learn how to communicate with your spouse….'

"Exactly how am I supposed to do that in this situation? They don't know what they are writing!"

'Trust is key!'

Next chapter