

I had to REALLY contemplate the best way to use my spare token this entire time before deciding that the thing that would serve my goal the most was if I evolved my race. Being a base bonded human was holding me back the most at this moment and in theory evolving my race to a higher one would ease up on these restrictions. To make sure that my evolution wasn't noticed I specifically went to the Kyogre tooth chamber before using the token.-

[Evolution token use detected... Verifying choice... accepted, beginning evolution] 

The token turned into a bright white energy that shot into my chest but other than that nothing seemed to happen. 'Well that was anticlimactic.' I thought with a chuckle and went to stand up when i felt my aura thrum in my chest. "THUMP! THUMP! THUMP" My aura pulsed like a heartbeat and I gripped my chest in pain but it only grew more and more intense as time passed. It eventually got so bad that I couldn't remain conscious and passed out. According to my pokemon what happened next was brutal and awful to witness.-

My body broke down and was rejected while new flesh and organs took their place. I sweated blood and other fluids while vomiting out my insides. My bones broke apart and rebuilt themselves while my skin sloughed off and my hair fell out. This continued until there was nothing left of what I used to be in my body. At that time aura was drawn from my surroundings in vast amounts before wrapping me up like a cocoon. My bond with my pokemon remained but had been so dimmed during this process that all of them were anxious and worried.-

Hades and the little one were the worse effected by this as both panicked in their own way. Hades puffed up to it's largest size and shrieked and howled madly while guarding my wrapped up form. The little one on the other hand was practically bouncing off the walls with nervous energy. When my cocoon eventually broke apart and turned into motes light that winked out of existence slowly all of my pokemon rushed to check on me. To their confusion though I didn't really appear any different than before aside from the fact my ears were ever so slightly pointier than normal.

Waking up after this transformation was not a pleasant experience at all let me tell you. There was not a single part of me that didn't hurt and to top it off all of my senses had been turned up to twenty as my mind was bombarded with sensory data that I struggled to comprehend. My bonds hadn't been spared either as I was practically psychically linked to my pokemon which meant I was experiencing their own emotions first hand. Hades was by far the most terrible to experience because until now I only had a vague understanding of how it's mind worked but at this moment I knew exactly how it worked.-

It was like thousands of fractured voices screaming at once to a single overarching voice that was driven mad by the discord. At this moment however all of those voices were speaking of pain and loss and the desire to protect that which they cherished. The rest of my pokemon were much more normal as they were worried about me and relieved that I was still alive. I brought up my own status to see what changed with my evolution and was surprised to see that the status had changed.-

[NAME: Alexander Drake


RACE: High human-bonded

INVENTORY: 2x skill tickets, 15x item tickets , 1x evolution token



Pokemon: Tyranitar(Gaia)(103) , Entei(Vulcan)(112) , Butterfree(Tank)(97) , Charizard(Rune)(88) , Grovyle(Aranyani(83) , Spiritomb(Hades)(98) , Feebas(N/A)(15)


SKILLS: common(M) , cleaning(N) , metal working(J) , aura(A) , cooking(M) , writing(N) , foraging(E) , farming(N) , masonry(N) , Spearmanship(A) , alchemy(A) , Ancient Sinnoh(N) , chemistry(N) , poke medic(J) , Ancient Kanto/Johto(N) , 

ABILITIES: Appraise(E)(system ability) , Perfect body , Emotion suppression +1 , Healing(A) , Roar(J) , X-ray , Dragon eye , Boost(N) , Water breathing







The trading function had entirely vanished and my inventory now only kept track of what I had pertaining to the system. I addition to that my race was now listed as [High human-Bonded] and surprisingly i had a new ability that confused me. [Water breathing] was not an ability I had prior to now or i would have felt pretty fucking stupid about how I swam up to the Aqua base. It was only after getting the story from my pokemon that I figured out what had happened.-

To put it simply when all that aura was drawn to me a good chunk of it came from the Kyogre tooth and had "corrupted" me during the transformation and thus I got a new ability out of the matter. In a manner of speaking i had stolen this ability from Kyogre which gave me a strange expression when I thought about it as in that case the only one of that trio I was missing an ability from was Groudon. That didn't mean I was going to go pester the legendary to get one though since I wasn't suicidal.-

My stats hadn't gone up at all from my evolution but I assumed that was normal since I was likely to need time for my body to fully adapt to it's new design. I learned something interesting when I asked the system for details on my new race , I wasn't the first of it. Yes according to the system high humans existed in the distant past alongside regular humans but had gone extinct due to interbreeding with humans rather than staying with their own kind. In theory I imagined that if someone used my new genetic structure to find the genes of these other high humans in the modern day humans it should be possible to recreate the race.

Like the name suggested High humans were almost exactly the same as normal humans but were more at the same time. For example all high humans had access to their auras from birth and lived on average about two hundred years. The bonds they created with pokemon were much stronger than normal humans as well which meant they also got more from the connection. According to the system I would gain quite a bit of stats over the next few weeks in fact.-

All in all I was quite happy with this use of an evolution token but at the same time I was kinda curious what would happen if I used my other token on my race as well. High humans were the logical next step from base human but what came after that? Elves? Man-pokemon hybrids? It was a question without any answer at this moment as the system simply refused to answer when I asked.

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