
Ch 5 Meet the Fishes

As Soon as Ancalagon flapped his large wings and we took to the sky I understood why the valyrians loved their dragons so much.

I felt like I could conquer the world from the back of Ancalagon, I even looked at lily who was holding onto my back like a vice and she had the biggest smile I had ever seen.

the wind had become an issue so I used a dimensional artifact to divert it it and our flight became much more relaxed.

I took out a small bag of chocolates and handed it to my little maid when she started eating it seemed as if lily turned into a chipmunk and gobbled the entire bag in flash, with expectant eyes she looked at me for more but I just told her that 'they were meant to last the entire flight'.

her chipper demeanor deflated instantly and that look was so funny.

During the flight even though we were hundreds of feet in the air I could hear the shouts and screams of smallfolk on the ground as we passed over small villages and farmsteads.

they would shout "by the Father, a dragon!!!" or "Mother protect us!!" and "Look mommy a dwagon!!!" shouted one little boy

after two hours of flight I could see riverrun castle in the distance, and I must say I'm not impressed, the asthetic of riverrun was terrible it had no tall towers and was a quite wide but also short and ugly with no towers over 4 stories tall and mismatching stones in some parts of the walls as if they ran out of white stone and switched to another type honestly such a disappointment for this to be the first castle I see.

to be honest I felt like burning it to the ground , I even might do that later, right now there is no need for violence.

As we neared riverrun I had Ancalagon roar to announce our arrival I saw horses bolt from their owners and a few windows of the castle shattered from the terrifying noise.

I made ten slow flights around the fortress to give them time to prepare for our arrival.

I did notice however that dozens of ravens were flying out of one of the towers, surely the maester of the keep was sending news of a dragon to all the lord's of westeros I laughed and wondered if any would truly believe his words.

I had ancalagon land just outside the main drawbridge where I noticed all the soldiers that were supposed to be on the walls had scattered and were looking at me through the small arrowslits present throughout the length of the wall.

I lowered my little maid down and had ancalagon wait here for a moment.

in no time at all I saw not so old Hoster Tully a graying man in his mid 40s approaching us on a dapple stallion while flanked by four of his personal guards on foot I guess their horses couldn't handle the pressure.

I had to give a bit of respect to this fish however when I noticed that although both Hoster Tully and his horse were shaking in fear they approached with a steady gate and a straight look on their faces, truly worthy of a lord.

I looked at lily who seemed a bit unsure of what to do so I gave her a quick directive

"Girl you are my handmaiden now and therefore now an extension of my personage, you must remember that you are higher than even kings so don't lower your head to anyone except me. you are in a higher position than even these lords or ladies so don't let them intimidate you because if you do I'll punish you with a spanking am I understood."

to which she just turned red and nodded vigorously.

I removed my helm and looked at the approaching group which caused them to freeze for a moment before continuing their approach. at a distance of 40 paces they stopped and i spoke to them

"Greetings Lord I am Alucard Von Cathicus Former Prince of Aedirn, The Bloodborne, and son of Aelith the Sorceress, both I and my handmaiden require a place to rest for the night would you be hospitable to hosting us for the evening."

"O...Of....Of Course...any Dragonrider is welcome into my humble home we will host you for as long as you require."

Hoster managed to stumble out.

I called ancalagon over and I rubbed his snout and told him "Go and eat remember no people or horses. I will be here for the night, if you sense any distress from me or girl here burn everything. he gurgled happily when I was rubbing his snout but when he heard the part about burning the gurgle turned into a vicious hiss as his double eyes locked onto Hoster and his party of brave men. as soon as ancalagons eyes locked into the group I sensed two of them pissed a little bit but only stayed frozen. Hoster dismounted his horse as he felt it was about to lose its mind and the horse ran off back inside the castle while ancalagon took flight in search of supper.

"Well Lo...Lord Cathicus let's make our way inside and I will present you to my household." as we were passing through the drawbridge I spoke

"Lord Tully I would have to give you a small notice..... Girl here (looking at lily) is my handmaiden which means she is an extension of myself. if anything untoward we're to happen to her during my visit I will know the reason why so advise your men to keep to themselves once we are inside." O...Of Course My Lord, nothing will happen to....Girl while under my roof and under guest rights... Mary!!!! Bring the bread and salt for our guests." Hoster yelled out and a fat lady wearing an apron brought out freshly baked buns and a small bowl of salt. "my name is not 'girl' milord it's lily" she huffed in protest but I doubt Hoster even heard her with how distracted he was.

me and lily partook in guest rights and walked into the main courtyard where the household was waiting. I could see the people of the household. A large scarred man who I presumed to be their master at arms, next to him was Catelyn Tully aged 18 a bit prettier than in the show but I could tell she was hiding a great body under that modest dress. with my Vampiric senses I could tell she was still pure...guess petyr was lying. next to Catelyn was a Lysa looking at me with a blush she was only a year younger than Cat but she was a bit scrawny for my taste. with a whiff I could tell she was no longer pure.... guess petyr spoiled my double trout lunch, I would make him pay for that.

next to them was 'Edmure the Idiot' one look at the boy only 16 and I could tell I disliked him but he looked at me, dressed in black knight armor with two huge swords while standing head and shoulder above everyone else like I was superman....disgusting I knew I was going to sacrifice him but not yet, now is not the time.

next to Edmure was the man himself 'littlefinger' I could see some cunning I'm his eyes but nothing near what was present in the show.

he loved Catelyn who was recently betrothed to Brandon stark but their famous duel was not set until next year. I'm sure he thought he still had a chance to get her...boy was he wrong. I also noticed that he looked at lily with lusty eyes.... a big mistake I am a greedy person and nobody looks at my things like that.

I'll be sure to torment him plenty.

during Hoster Tully's introduction I was presented to Catelyn first to which she looked up at me with unsure eyes, when I took her hand I cast an illusion so others saw it as a regular peck on the hand but in reality I ran my tongue from her pinky to her wrist she tried to pull back but found herself unable to move when I released her hand she pulled it back and scowled at me. I just said "Charmed my lady, your future husband would be lucky to have such a beautiful bride." I said while glancing at petyr who smiled at me as if I was his wingman." "my lord" was all she said with an angry curtsy then I moved on with introductions to Lysa. I simply pecked her hand and released it. I had no want of a ruined toy, especially when she wasn't even that good looking. I was presented to Edmure I gave him a compliment to how he looked like he would grow to be a formidable fighter (a lie of course but ignorance is bliss) to which instantly got him smiling like a pig in shit....'you won't be smiling like that when I rip your heart out you little shit' I thought. then I was presented to baelish who I just nodded he made a remark about my little maid so I knew I would have to torment him some before I left this castle tomorrow morning...

"Lord Cathicus we were just about to begin our supper would you and your handmaiden like to join us." to which Catelyn tried to object by saying she was just a maid but Hoster gave her a death glare which caused her to shut up. Guess Im already on her bad side, I also have Petyr on my bad side I might as well make it worse hehe...

[lemon next chapter R scene be forewarned] πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹


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