
9 - experiment

Dante had found a unoccupied producers van near the studio… and had thrown Kingo into the back and left him there while he drove away…

Kingo seemed to have passed out around the time he broke his arms.. but Dante wasn't too sure of the exact time… his current concern was finding a place to stay, while researching the body of Kingo..

He was planning on dissecting him, researching everything that was inside of him and (possibly) building him back up once he was done.. as in case he didn't then other eternals would come to him.. and he didn't know what they could do.. from myths and legends could he get some view.. but he couldn't determine what was ad up along the way and what was actually documented at the time…

The technology that the eternals were made of was the height of technology mixed with strange cosmic energy.. best described as magic.. so facing someone who knew they would be attack would make it exponentially more difficult.. further than that if he was found than he could do nothing as he didn't know the identity of the other eternals..

Driving to the edge of the city gave him time to find a place online.. the place that was best suited was a abandoned factory near the ocean.. he could make it there by the end of the day/

On his way there he would need some equipment to experiment on Kingo… some of the thing on the list were a generator for power with fuel, and resources to craft his own equipment as sadly he couldn't use a normal pc to hack into a eternals body..


Arriving at the factory he found some abandoned equipment inside.. nothing that could work on its own, but to someone who could craft grenades with tools found in the streets, it was everything Dante needed to set his experiments up…

First would be separating the exoskeleton from the biontic flesh… he didn't need the flesh as he could recreate in himself… some of the bio material was still useful though, as his skin was strong.. strong enough to warrant researching it..

Separating the flesh from the bone was time consuming.. if he were to rip everything apart then he would risk injuring the internal structure… in the end he was left with a pile of flesh and machine parts…

He couldn't bring the flesh with him.. but the machine… without any of the flesh around, the body seemed more like a robot.. and could potentially pass through the security if he were to package it correctly… but to do that he would need a way to contain the core.. the source of the power Kingo wielded without killing it…

So his only goal here was to get a good sample of the bionic flesh that Kingo had and remove the energy source.. if he managed that he could get the body back to his home and research it there with better equipment that knifes he made himself with trash lying around..

Days went by with Dante managing to complete the first task of getting a good sample in the first day of research.. but the core of a eternal seemed much more unique than he first thought..

He thought of cutting it out but the moment a wisp exited the body it disbanded, even if it was inside of a bottle.. Kingo's brain was also unique, Dante had been trying to get it to connect to something akin to soul killer.. but didn't have much success as materials were inadequate.. he tried searching for some but the things he needed were out of his price range..

He began thinking of robbing a bank again.. Digitally of course, as he would need to buy more equipment online.. it wouldn't be much work, but he found it a morally grey area.. as while he was robbing a bank the only one to lose would be the insurance..

With his guilty conscious cleared he found a bank with a good insurance and made them accidentally lose around a hundred thousand, covering up everything that could lead to him and washing it through multiple accounts before being set into a dummy account that he used to pay for everything he would need to further his experiment..


After waiting for the packages at a different drop off he began working on the machines

The soul killer copy he made could extract the memories of Kingo, making him be able to view and change them however he liked..

His memories were somewhat strange.. he had of course a somewhat bigger memories then most as he had lived for centuries.. but at the same time forgotten a good part of it… his memories were also not factual.. the persons perspective on things might have changed, or he remembers himself being greater than he truly is..

The ladder mostly implied to Kingo.. in almost every memories he was a literal god of beauty… The exception being his early memories.. of a place called Olympus.. but his memories of the place seemed different..

The most notable difference was how he remembered it.. it was to straight forward.. something that couldn't be memories he had himself as there were no changes..

As Dante was digging trough the earlier memories he stumbled upon something strange.. something that seemed locked behind a command of some kind… it was kind of like brainwashing but more similar to coding..

Digging for the password he eventually found it after plugging himself in to view the memories.. lugging himself in could be considered dangerous but Kingo hadn't been conscious since he had kidnapped him so he wasn't to concerned..

With the access to the hidden section, Dante was able to view their creator through the eyes of the exoskeleton whilst his creator was installing his memories and planning on locking the current once out until he needed maintenance…

And saw personally how the robot creator had cosmic cores around him… Dante tried scanning them but got nothing as to how they were stored.. he did see however that it was possible.. and how to install it into a exoskeleton..

Watching it step for step Dante found that the core seemed to be removable without damaging it.. He had thought about it when he first got all the flesh off of it but thought that he could damage it.. but seeing as how it was installed.. the core seemed more like a engine of a car.. something that was connected but could be removed without damaging the motor..

Trying it for the first time, resulted in a failure as he couldn't get the ribcage to open up like it did for their creator.. but thinking of it..

"Miiraad Wah Fin Sil.." the words Dante spoke had power to them.. Each activating a mechanism in the exoskeletons body.. at the last word the core was revealed ready for Dante to take it out..

Grabbing it he felt a burning sensation even through his Heat Converter should turn any heat into strength… It didn't stop… the burning began to grow, reacting violently with his cybernetics… Dante tried dropping the core but it had already partly burned into his bionic skin… Feeling it get worse Dante decided to resort to pulling the skin off.. leaving him with a cybernetic arm without any skin…

The skin that he had pulled had burned everything up that touched it.. making a small fire in the building, Dante was staying in..

"Fuck!" He looked down onto the core, thinking of solutions to bring it…

Luckily the core didn't seem to react to anything non electronic, so it seemed to be stable for now… Picking it up with some scrap metal he was able to move it to the container he made for the transportation..

Dante thought the core could react with electronics but hadn't thought he wasn't able to handle it with his heat resistance, and armour like skin.. so he had made a somewhat special container that would coffer any electrical interference as to not let it impact the plane..

Thinking about the plane, a thought came into mind… He couldn't bring a body with him on a plane… but a privet one could be the exception.. he wouldn't need to get his bags checked if he did and it would mean not waiting for other passengers.

Dante hadn't thought about it before because it was somewhat foreign to have a plane at the ready… in night city he could get a Delamain any time.. but AV's were harder to get.. you would need to buy it, as virtually no one was renting one out… He could perhaps have made a deal with a corporation, but that would be suicide the moment negotiations went wrong..

Most of all, Dante didn't know that it was even possible.. He hadn't really seen it pop up anywhere, but that kind of made sense.. if you needed a privet jet then you would search for one..

Searching the web he came across some different types of privet jets.. from small to large all having to short of a range to get to new York in one trip, some had two stops but would take longer, so his best bet was to go with a Heavy jet, the Bombardier Challenger 605..

The plane was somewhat big for his needs but others were bigger or would need to travel longer.. so the nine to twelve passenger aircraft was his best choice.. it would cost him eighty-three thousand just for the flight there and a additional charge for coming to pick him up, coming close to one hundred thousand for the whole trip that would last approximately sixteen hours…

Something that the some poor insurance had to coffer… not him though as he could just get more money… problem being that the IRS would come after him the moment they got wind of him spending one hundred thousand on a sixteen hour flight…

Now with the booking of the flight complete, he needed to finish up his work in the abandoned factory.. he wasn't done with Kingo's body and would bring it with him, just like his core that he had yet to touch again..

When Dante would get home, he could finish up all of his projects.. the mutant gene that he had left had been progressing slow.. but smoothly, he would need more samples to make it go faster.. the best gene would be that of a newly awakened or dormant gene.. so he could test awakening it with some of his blood..

That paired with the equipment he would get his hand back on meant that he could finally dig into Kingo's body.. or at least he hoped so..

If he were to store the energy some how he could get Kingo back into himself.. rebooting him with some of his memories wiped, insuring he remembered nothing that would point to Dante ..


Packing up wasn't to difficult.. he stuffed Kingo's body in a big trunk.. with the core going in a suitcase by his side… he had coffered his arm in a cast that he had purchased with some other clothes.. he hadn't brought any clothes so he had to purchased some from a tailor on his way to the airport..

His outfit comprised of a well fitting suit, with all black hand gloves to cover the robotic hand..

The outfit change wasn't necessary, but the coverup was, as the arm would arouse curiosity if not suspicion into who he was.. he decided on getting his outfit changed because, getting on the privet jet without clean clothes might have been seen as suspicious… causing problems.. problems that he couldn't afford to happen..

The ride to the airport was quiet.. the music that was playing in almost every cab was absent the one he was riding.. not because it was broken, but because he had been given a free luxurious cab drive to the airport by the company that rented the plane he would be flying in..

The cab had picked him up right after he had purchased his clothes, to prevent them from getting the wrong impression…

They arrived to the airport, but didn't stop at the main entrance, rather they went to the side of the building and were allowed to enter the premises through a large gate…

Next chapter